Page 32 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 32


          there’s the family dynamics. The
          Afrikan family dynamic is therapeu-
          tic. … violence is a sign of sickness.
          I think the traditional mode of life
          and mode of interaction have to
          come up and you need model cen-
          ters where you have these integrated
          traditional dynamics at play, where
          people can break away for a week-
          end and taste it and live it actualize
          it, learn it and go propagate it.” I
          like his definition better.

          Let’s look at the infamous Bill Gates
          quote from his 2010 Innovate to         WHO, in 1948, defined health as: “A state of complete
          Zero TED Talk: “The world today
          has 6.8 billion people, that’s headed   physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the
          up to about 9 billion. Now, if we do   absence of disease or infirmity.” Dr. Jack Githae, Afrikan
          a really great job on new vaccines,   Natural and Traditional Medicine Practitioner defines it this
          health care, reproductive health     way: “Spirituality: health means being at par with the expec-
          services, we could lower that by
          perhaps 10 or 15%.” Each one of       tation of the Creator, within the ecosystem He put you in.
          the items on his list of things they   Period. They are inseparable. In our culture, the diet, inter-
          could do a ‘really great job’ on is        action with people and spirituality are inseparable.
          connected directly to the health care
          industry. How will new vaccines,
          health care and reproductive health   These interventions that Gates talks   ern health care is an illusion that
          services reduce human carbon diox-  about, by themselves are responsi-  was created by the ‘developed’ world
          ide emissions, except if the humans   ble for increased doctor visits and   to hold the rest of the world at
          producing the carbon dioxide are   hospitalizations due to cancers,   ransom. It is not real. It is a business
          the ones who will be reduced by    heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s,   that is designed to make people sick
          these ‘health’ interventions? Vac-  autism, high or low blood pressure,   enough to need constant help, yet
          cines, which cause reduced fertility   infertility, premature deliveries, in-  strong enough to go to work from
          or eliminate it altogether and whose   testinal blockages, asthma, eczema,   time to time. It is a business that
          side effects can even include death   facial paralysis, allergies, blood clots,   is designed to make people fearful
          (yes, even in the non-covid ones);   strokes and all sorts of auto-im-  of death and disease to the extent
          health care that is actually not really   mune diseases. These interventions   that they will accept the option of
          care but is something that is de-  alone drive up the amount of mon-  slavery; having their liberties taken
          signed to reduce the human lifespan   ey being spent on health ‘care’ in the   away and their safety compromised.
          as we have seen in allopathic med-  so-called developed countries and   It is a tool used to force countries
          icine over the years, and drugs that   trigger a cyclical need for medical   and continents that are growing to
          are released by pharmaceutical com-  ‘care’ due to the side effects of the   waste money and time on initiatives
          panies that affect the human body   drugs being given, or the deliberately   that are not actually beneficial in the
          in horrible ways, including death;   designed inability, or rather unwill-  long run. It is a manufactured lie
          reproductive health services that   ingness, to provide real and effective   which, like with the ‘inequalities’ the
          prevent new life from even arriving   cures. A medical doctor from a   UN says it wants to eliminate from
          on earth by preventing conception   western country has confessed to   the world, can so easily be turned
          or even by causing fetal death (via   being told by her colleague that a   around to genuinely protect and
          abortions and miscarriages). As of   certain treatment could not be rolled   sustain actual health throughout the
          2011, 1.5 billion babies, worldwide,   out because it actually worked and   individual’s lifespan and to ensure
          had been murdered via abortion in   as a result, it would put the doctors   that the populations of the world
          the preceding 50-year period.
                                             out of a job. The concept of mod-  would be thriving and growing for

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