Page 20 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 14
P. 20
Health & Healing
Chioma Phillips
he overpowering stench obstetric fistula, a condition where tumors, endometriosis, trauma or
of stale adult urine or a hole develops between the blad- obstructed labor. Fistulas are also
fecal matter on beddings der, ureter, urethra, rectum and the said to be caused by pelvic surgery,
Tand clothing, in a home, vagina, resulting in uncontrollable reconstructive vaginal surgeries,
combined with the guilt and shame passage of urine or feces from the cancer, radiation from cancer and
of the one who is the source of vagina. It also results in associated chronic bowel conditions. Obstruct-
this odor and that of her family are infections like ulcerations, nerve ed labor is said to be caused by var-
not experiences one would want to damage in the legs and kidney ious factors such as a narrow pelvis,
associate with the arrival of a new disease. obstruction in the vagina or even
baby and yet, the condition associ- the size or position of the baby.
ated with this state is said to affect Obstetric fistula is said to result Surgeries that cause obstetric fistula
50,000-100,000 women around the from injury during surgery (i.e., it is include: surgery for obstetric com-
world, annually. I’m talking about caused by the surgeon), infection, plications such as cesarean section,
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