Page 60 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 60

Health & Healing

          Demonising agroecology             ate deceptions block needed food
          The Gates Foundation has been      system reforms.
          funding the Cornell Alliance for
          Science, ostensibly to “depolarize   UN Special Rapporteur on the
          the GMO debates” by providing      Right to Food Michael Fakhri
          training in “advanced agricultural   alerted UNFSS Special Envoy
          biotechnology communications”.     Agnes Kalibata that agroecology is
          Why traditional agricultural practices   being dismissed as backward when
          can’t transform African agriculture   it should be central to the Summit.
          is only one instance of such spon-  Concurrently President of AGRA,
          sored propaganda masquerading as   with its particular commitment to
          science.                           needed food system reform, she is
                                             in an impossible position.
          Well-resourced lobbyists are using
          the UNFSS to secure support and    Best Summit money can buy?
          legitimacy for commercial agendas.   Investing in the Summit is secur-
          With abundant means, their advoca-  ing legitimacy and more resources
          cy routinely invokes ‘public-private   from governments, the UN system,
          partnerships’ and ‘science, technolo-  private philanthropy and others to
          gy and innovation’ rhetoric.       further their commercial agendas.
                                             Meanwhile, many are working in
          Forced to be more inclusive, Summit   good faith to make the most of the
          organisers are now using ‘solution   UN Summit.
          clusters’ for advocacy. They then
          build broad ‘multi-stakeholder’ coali-  Nevertheless, it is setting a danger-
          tions to advance purported solutions   ous precedent for the UN system.
          with the UNFSS mark of approval.   It has rashly opened a back door,
                                             allowing corporate-led ‘multi-stake-
          With strong and growing evidence   holderism’ to undermine well-tested,
          of agroecology’s progress and      inclusive ‘multi-stakeholder’ ar-
          potential, propaganda against it has   rangements developed over decades
          grown in recent years. Agroecology   under multilateral Member State
          advocates are caricatured as ‘Luddite   oversight.
          eco-imperialists’, ‘Keeping Africa   UNFSS Science Days on 8 and 9
          on the Brink of Starvation’, and   July indicated the Summit is being
          condemning farmers to ‘poverty,    used to push for a new food science
          malnutrition and death’.           panel. This will undercut the HLPE,
                                             and ultimately, the CFS. Hence, the
          A public relations consultant has   UNFSS seems like a Trojan Horse
          accused agroecology advocates of   to advance particular corporate
          being “the face of a ‘green’ neoco-  interests, inadvertently undermining
          lonialism” “idealizing peasant labour   what UN-led multilateralism has
          and retrograde subsistence farming”   come to mean.
          and denying “the Green Revolu-
          tion’s successes”.                 As both CFS and HLPE are suc-
                                             cessful UN institutions, the Summit
          Agroecology solutions are the main,   will inevitably undermine its own
          if not only ones consistent with   achievements. Hence, for many
          the UN’s overarching commitment    Member States and civil society,
          to sustainable development. But    UNFSS represents a step backward,
          the propagandists portray them as   rather than forward.
          uninformed barriers to agricultural
          and social progress. Such deliber-

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