Page 57 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 57

Innovate Afrika

          ed districts The program aims at   and wheat by 2019/2020. Successful har-  to the core operations within the sector.”
          increasing productivity in the staple   vests will contribute in reducing inflation
          sector, increasing food production   and promoting economic diversification.”  Infrastructure, including water in-
          and thereby reducing poverty.70%                                      frastructure, is having an immensely
          of Nigerians live in rural areas and   The Nigerian Agricultural Trans-  positive effect on production.
          are small farmers who produce 90%   formation Agenda was initiated in
          of the nation`s agricultural products.   2013. It is a program to alleviate   Rice is the Nigerian staple. Local Ni-
          Dire poverty in Nigeria is mostly in   rural poverty and increase produc-  gerian varieties of rice are found to
          rural, agriculture-based communities   tion.Since the discovery of crude   be of a higher nutritional value than
          and it is these communities that the   oil, IMF`s globalist policy has been   imported rice.The local rice is not
          government are targeting.          to advise on oil export and food   as highly polished which increases
                                             import which over the years harmed   nutritional value and it consumed
          According to the Nigerian State-   the country`s agricultural industry   fresher compared to imported rice
          house website:                     with cheap foreign imports having a   which can be many years old.
                                             negative effect on domestic produc-
          Economic Recovery and Growth       tion.                              Nigeria`s self-sufficiency policy has
          Plan                                                                  caused `rice wars` with international
                                             Rice self-sufficiency had reached   exporters flooding the market with
          “The Economic Recovery and Growth   84% by start of 2019. Government   super cheap, low-quality produce.
          Plan (ERGP) is a Medium Term Plan   and private sector initiatives have   This has resulted in a series of
          for 2017 – 2020, developed by the Ad-  provided support,credit,training and   protests from within the country as
          ministration of  President Muhammadu   seed, along with even distribution of   people demand cheap rice. It has
          Buhari for the purpose of  restoring eco-  rice milling (polishing) plants across   been difficult for the government to
          nomic growth while leveraging the ingenuity   all regions.            convince the nation that by sup-
          and resilience of  the Nigerian people – the                          porting the domestic market, they
          nation’s most priceless assets.”   Mechanization solutions and the    will have a better product which
                                             case for small modular processing   will become cheaper over time as
          The program aims to put the        plants are some of the innovative   production increases.
          oil-based economy on an entirely   ideas being pushed by Richard
          different trajectory to transform the   Ogundele, CEO of JMSF Agri-   The black-market for rice is a
          economy and thereby alleviate pov-  business Nigeria, a key player in the   continuing problem as Nigeria`s
          erty.Key components are the Nige-  agricultural transformation program.   expansive borders are porous and
          rian Railway Modernization Project   According to him:                rice is routinely smuggled across
          which is part of the Nigeria Inte-                                    from Benin.
          grated Infrastructure Master Plan   “Another thing that we could see work-
          which includes the construction of   ing here, is SME (Small and Medium   In September 2020 the government
          new, or modernization of existing,   Enterprises) branding. The farmers who   stopped tomato imports and has
          ports, bridges and road networks.  grow them and the processors at that lower   adopted a similar tactic to boost
                                             level, need to understand quality assurance   tomato production by value adding
          According to the Statehouse web-   from the start to the market end. And   and processing into puree, thereby
          site:                              that`s where branding comes in, packag-  supporting domestic tomato grow-
                                             ing, handling,storage and distribution.   ers and to encourage job creation.
          “This Plan will use science, technology and   So opportunity for logistics is also there.
          innovation to drive growth. It also provides   Logistics in agriculture is still a challenge   The Nigerian government recently
          a blueprint for laying the foundation for fu-  across Nigeria, storage, transportation,   announced the release of funding
          ture generations by focusing on building the   packaging, handling. We need improve-  for 300,000 new affordable homes
          capabilities of  the youths of  Nigeria to be   ments in this value chain service provision   which are to be built with 90% local
          able to take the country into the future.”  area. So if  anyone is interested in this   materials, further supporting the
                                             sector, we can always guide them and talk   national economy.
          “Using agriculture to achieve food security,   it through. And of  course there will be the
          create jobs and save foreign exchange for   multiplying effect on the economy because
          food imports. Plans are already in place   more jobs will be created along the value
          for national self-sufficiency in rice by 2018   chain for those who will be offering services

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