Page 54 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 54

Innovate Afrika

                                                                                Arlit and Akokan, 1200 km north-
                                                                                east of the capital, Niamey, on the
                                                                                western range of the Air mountains.
                                                                                The mined ore is transported by
                                                                                truck 1600 km to Parakou in Benin,
                                                                                from where it is transported by rail,
                                                                                400 km to Cotonou Port and then

                                                                                Between them, Niger and Namib-
                                                                                ia, two of Africa`s most arid and
                                                                                impoverished countries, could be
                                                                                supplying all of Africa`s uranium,
                                                                                not if, but when, the continent turns
                                                                                to nuclear power. However, uranium
                                                                                should not be regarded as Niger`s
          colonialism and more recently      President Buhari`s APC ( All Pro-  primary asset. Instead we should
          destabilizing forces changed such   gressives Congress) party. So why   regard the 23 million Nigeriens as
          fortunes. The original city of Maradi   extend the line to Niger?     the source of true wealth because it
          is ancient , dating back thousands of                                 is they, given the creative freedom
          years to the time of the Silk Road.  Because Africa must unite.       from absolute poverty, who have the
                                                                                potential to transform the economy
          The remaining section from Mara-   Apart from gold deposits, Niger is   of their country.
          din to Maradi will be financed and   considered to have only one asset,
          built by Niger.The contractor for   uranium.Since 1968, Areva, an 80%   The African Development Bank
          the Nigerian line is a Portuguese   French state-owned corporation has   is funding a program to strength-
          company (Mota-Engil). The line is   obviously been the main beneficiary   en Niger`s rural economy. Food
          being financed by two European     in a partnership which is definite-  shortages, malnutrition and outright
          banks.                             ly not `win-win`. Niger is the 4th   starvation are a permanent situation
                                             largest uranium producer globally.   for the majority of Niger`s rural
          The government has been heavi-     It has high grade deposits. Areva   population. In 2013, only 8% of the
          ly criticized for extending the rail   ( now called Orano)pays 5.5% tax   population had access to electricity.
          network beyond its borders.The     and royalties to the Nigerien gov-  82% had no access to sanitation.
          Kano-Maradi line goes from the     ernment. When asked to raise this   As of 2020, 15% of people have
          northern capital, Kano, across the   pathetic ammount, the extraction   electricity. According to World Data,
          border into Niger to the town of   plant ceased service for a number   Niger has an annual energy con-
          Maradi which has a population of   of weeks and the tax rate remained   sumption of 1.07 billion kWh which
          267,000.                           unchanged.                         is 46kWh per person per year. Life
                                                                                expectancy is around 60. There are
          The critics say that Niger has     https://africanarguments.          no railways at present.
          nothing to offer. There are cities in   org/2017/07/18/a-forgotten-com-
          Nigeria that have a higher income   munity-the-little-town-in-niger-  If China has elliminated absolute
          than the entire Niger State, which is   keeping-the-lights-on-in-france-ura-  poverty in one of its poorest and
          geographically larger than Nigeria   nium-arlit-areva/                dryest regions, the Uygur Region,
          but mostly desert and desperately                                     there is no reason at all why it can-
          poor.The critics say why help Nige-  Mining in Africa is dominated by   not be done in a country like Niger,
          riens when Nigerians are suffering   the City of London extractive inter-  provided that Africa as a whole,
          ? The government is being accused   ests. The level of tax and royalties   adopts the Chinese methods of
          internationally of trying to capture   paid to government is consistently   developing the physical economy.
          the trade that currently goes to   low. Glencore Xstrata is one of the   Niger is a partner in the BRI. On
          the port of Cotonou in Benin and   main culprits                      a State visit to Beijing in 2019,
          of favouring the Muslim north of                                      President Mahamadou Issoufou
          Nigeria to garner popularity for   Uranium is mined near the towns of   and President Xi Jinping agreed to

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