Page 51 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 51


                                                                                high service obligations that have
                                                                                denied the execution of important
                                                                                projects and programs.

                                                                                Aid to Africa has never matched
                                                                                the continent’s needs. Moreover, aid
                                                                                does not always go where develop-
                                                                                ment demand would naturally draw
                                                                                it. Aid may not even be correlated
                                                                                with human development, the way
                                                                                that it is expected to. A respected
                                                                                Congolese human rights activist
          worse than any other country. This   ization to sell off the public assets   called Kambale Musavuli spoke on
          was because we were dependent      of the recipient countries cheaply to   how western countries dictate or
          on other countries economically    foreigners (often after a significant   suggest to the Congolese govern-
          through foreign aid, grants, or loans.  devaluation of the local currency   ment to use the foreign aid money
                                             resulting from debt defaults), the   on the mining sector (specifically the
          A clear example of this was the    removal of controls on imports, and   eastern part of Congo). This goes
          IMF Executive Board Approving      the export of capital.             on to show you how foreign aid is
          US$4.3 Billion in Emergency Sup-                                      not even given to African countries
          port to South Africa to Address the   These aims mean that the aid    primarily to improve African coun-
          COVID-19 Pandemic. This was just   agencies support only pro-Western   tries and improving African lives,
          one clear example of how African   and often repressive governments,   but rather strengthen western neo
          countries jumped to the west for   some of them the product of        colonialism.
          support when in fact it just puts us   US-supported military coups, while
          into more severe debt and effective-  patriotic and sovereign governments   As you can see, Africans must
          ly helps them control our African   who try to protect and develop their   understand the neo-colonial agenda
          countries more efficiently.        industries and improve the well-be-  that western countries have in place
                                             ing of their people are vilified by   to pursue our resources, lands, and
          We can also look closely at the very   the Western mainstream media and   people. We can see a very interesting
          idea that aid aims to reduce poverty   become the target of uprisings,   and critical perspective from Mark
          which is incorrect and deceiving to   coups and invasions planned and   Langan who wrote an article called
          the African people. Instead, it is an   organized by the West. We need to   ‘Let’s talk about Neo-colonialism in
          important function of Western im-  understand the ramifications of not   Africa.
          perialism. In the majority of cases,   building towards a self-sustaining
          the actual function of publicized   Africa and the biggest issues of not   Mark Langan is quoted here say-
          aid from Western governments and   creating a self-sustainable model   ing “As defined by Kwame Nk-
          their agencies, including the World   that can work for Africans and   rumah – the first president of an
          Bank and the IMF, is to subsidize   benefit us whilst also protecting us   independent Ghana – the concept
          and facilitate the operations of the   from western countries and China   of neo-colonialism warns us of
          corporations and banks of the West.  specifically.                    the potential regressive impact of
                                                                                unregulated forms of aid, trade and
          Aid was, and is, therefore used by   We need to understand as African   foreign direct investment in relation
          governments and big aid agencies   people the role that foreign aid plays   to poverty reduction and wellbeing
          to ensure that the governments that   in hindering our development as a   in African countries. The concept
          receive the money adopt policies   continent. Since many African coun-  underscores how African state sov-
          that favor not necessarily capital-  tries do not have enough resources   ereignties can be reduced to mere
          ism itself, but the interests of the   to fund their development, they   “flag independence” by external
          foreign corporations and banks,    have to rely on foreign aid. While   policy interference and economic
          in particular, those that target less   some aid is in the form of grants,   control. It does not deny that Afri-
          developed countries they have yet to   the bulk comes in the form of loans.   can elites may engage in wrongdo-
          adequately entrench themselves in.   This has escalated the external debt   ing – whether corruption, nepotism
          These institutions demand privat-  burdens of African countries, with   or human rights abuses. On the

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 15 | SEPTEMBER 2021    51
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