Page 48 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 48
for large scale infrastructure that
would actually improve living con-
ditions. Despite all the attacks, and
rantings against China and its Belt
and Road, if China were to pull out
of Africa it would negatively impact
the continent. That is because the
U.S. would not step in to fill the vac-
uum. Sadly, the last U.S. President
that understood the importance of
physical economic development in
Africa, and acted on it, was John F.
Second, one cannot underestimate
the general level of ignorance about U.S. Secretary of State, Antony
Africa in U.S. society, especially Blinken
our elected officials. Yes, there are
a few members of Congress who
have some knowledge about a few and without. There exists a finan- the West has dominated the African
African nations. However, I can cial-political elite, perhaps identified continent, with no demonstrable
report to you with authority, after as an oligarchy, who see Africa for proof that their policies have im-
observing Washington for decades, its material resources and financial proved the standard of living for the
that the overwhelming majority of gain. They attempt to exploit na- majority of Africans. Any progress
Congress, have little knowledge of tions through international finance, in Africa is the result of national
the actual dynamics, when imple- manipulated terms of trade, and leaders, not Western policy.
menting legislation affecting African raw material prices controlled by the
nations, Overall, there is no in-depth City of London based commodity Abiy is seen as a strong leader with
historical understanding of the cartels. enough personal determination to
African continent or the nations that move his nation forward, as evi-
comprise it. The key concerns of the neo-co- denced in the rise of the Prosperity
lonialist financial institutions have Party, which was founded in opposi-
Third, the continent of Africa is always been, if they cannot control tion to ethno-nationalism.
close to last on the list of priorities the leadership of a country, a “di-
for American Presidents. Often, U.S. vide and conquer” tactic is em- The most recent vivid example of
policy for African nations is rarely ployed to weaken that nation. War the elimination of an African leader
articulated until the second year of and chaos are the preferred fallback was the overthrow and assassination
a president’s term, except for the alternatives to losing command of of President Muammar Gaddafi,
standard four page “talking points” the targeted nation. followed by the destruction of
paper on Africa. Libya. Remember this was done by
They have always opposed genuine the “liberal” Obama administration,
Why African Leaders Are Opposed development programs that would led by then Ambassador to the U.N.,
lift a nation out of poverty, and ab- Samantha Power. Many of those
This final point may be the most hor strong governments and leaders same operatives from the Obama
difficult for many readers to com- that aspire to national sovereignty. era are now part of the Biden Ad-
prehend. Their ideology is dominated by ministration. Have those individuals
“geo-politics” that sees the world admitted their culpability in creating
Following the liberation of African as a zero sum game of winners and the failed state of Libya, and the
nations from the yoke of colonial- losers. Those with the most political destruction of North Africa after
ism three score years ago, Afri- and financial power are the winners. Gaddafi’s removal? Those same
can leaders, who fight to improve They have little desire to eliminate cast of characters are attempting to
conditions of life on the continent, poverty. Except for the last one to undermine Ethiopia today with their
always face opposition from within two decades of China’s intervention, fake and hollow cries for “democra-
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