Page 45 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 45
Covid, mankind is running around and experiences that others could enough, it’s sad that we have to
hysterically bashing those who calm- benefit from. build complex machines that will
ly look to existing solutions and try- I’m not naïve, I know that these float on the oceans to collect huge
ing to force them to take experimen- things are possible if we allow masses of plastic waste when two
tal gene therapies that have been people to work together from their things should have happened: 1.
proven to have horrible side-effects natural state of love, rather than cre- People would take personal respon-
in the short-term – the long-term ating false crises and false shortages sibility for their waste understanding
side effects are as yet unknown. that put people on edge and make that they live in a world that needs
It’s like this young man from Sen- them feel that they need to defend their good stewardship, and; 2. We
egal, Khabane “Khaby” Lame is something. would have stopped making toxic
always trying to illustrate using his plastics that are not biodegradable
TikTok videos – people in the world The global stance on everything is and found another way out of the
are looking for the dumbest, most a very selfish one. It comes from myriad of options that exist around
complicated ways to do the simplest the point of view called “Mine” us. Instead, the selfish petroleum
things. When it’s actually the simple and in this tiny, self-centered little and plastics industries, greedy
things that work best. world, no one else is allowed to bribe-able public officials in govern-
participate or share because it will ments and international NGOs and
Geo-engineering the planet to jeopardize the entirety of “Mine”. irresponsible and selfish citizenry
make it either hotter or cooler (they It’s a frightened worldview. One that continue to choke the world around
appear confused about this one), prevents its owner from looking up them in plastic waste that is actually
creating artificial rain that results in and seeing the great abundance that killing them in return.
desert locust crises in other regions, God has prepared and presented us
using weather and earthquakes as with and prevents its owner from The problem, as always, lies with
weapons against people, creating vi- believing that there’s sufficient to go mankind. Not in the defeatist “man-
ruses and bacteria that can wipe out around for all of us, if we just think kind is a virus that must be eliminat-
nations so as to prove or enforce through things differently and live ed” kind of way, for then even the
some kind of dominance, starting or differently with one another. The believers of such madness would
sustaining wars in different coun- opposite of “Mine” isn’t even actu- need to eliminate themselves. It’s
tries in order to keep the ‘enemy’ ally “Ours”, it is “His” and it comes in the “mankind has to finally take
off your shores and then ending up with the understanding that we exist responsibility for his choices and
right back where you started… laws as custodians of what is not ours, actions” kind of way that forces us
that make no sense yet are imple- to ensure that it thrives and blooms to take an approach to living on this
mented and enforced to the detri- and blesses each one of us, to the earth that recognizes our responsi-
ment of all. best of our ability. bility to God, to one another, to the
environment we are living in and to
Instead of looking at each other That understanding places upon those for whom we hold it in trust,
as members of a global family, we us a responsibility for others rather temporarily and who deserve better
choose to see, create and defend than just self. It means that we will than tossing an empty, used, plastic
unnatural divisions that prevent us realize that the bizarre experiments yoghurt cup out of the window of
from dealing with the real problem that are going on in the world the car, bus or train we are in – be-
on the ground. As neighbors who where scientists are trying to create cause we’re done and we don’t want
recognize each other’s needs and human-animal hybrids or turn to deal with it any longer.
seek ways in which to meet them. people into machines or ‘preserve It’s time to grow up and deal with
So, rather than spending billions on their consciousnesses’ until another our poor choice of leaders, our poor
weapons of war and visa regulations reality comes along are absolutely personal choices and our reluc-
that are just plain limiting and stu- unnecessary. It means that Ubuntu tance to face the fact that globalist
pid, why not spend those billions on will become the principal by which extremist are hard at work trying to
solutions that people actually have we live and the environment will be eliminate all signs of good sense and
need of like sustainable clean, safe one of the biggest beneficiaries of living from the face of the earth. It’s
food, clothing, shelter, water… like this. Not only that, the environment time to face the real problems that
proper waste disposal solutions, like will respond with rewards that we we have on this earth and to deal
education that genuinely improves could never have imagined. with them.
people’s lives rather than creating While it’s great that someone cares I’m just sayin’.
slave, like sharing insights and ideas