Page 44 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 44
(or non-existent) problems… constantly?
Chioma Phillips
believe so. Not only that, but carrots, pumpkins and so on, their respect would actually do so. It was
I think that what ends up hap- option was to spend money and actually never necessary to go the
pening most times is that man- time trying to mutate a plant. GMO route if we simply took time
I kind ends up messing things to understand how the earth works
up even more. Instead of trying to implement from God’s perspective and worked
genuinely sustainable agriculture that with it based on natural laws.
You know the story about golden protects the environment, protects
rice, we shared an article about it in the health of the soil, water, air and Instead of building up man’s
one of our issues. Scientists decided the people… and genuinely provides immunity to this man-made respira-
it would be a good idea to find ways nutrient-dense food to people – tory disease through natural means
in which to spend millions of dol- which is what they need and want – like diet, exercise and exposure
lars turning rice from its God-giv- mankind is running around genet- to sunlight. Instead of (for those
en purpose into a beta carotene ically modifying seeds and creating keen) supplying prophylaxis i.e.,
carrying product. The idea was to poisonous chemicals to spray on preventative medicine, in the form
ensure that communities that were food. Chemicals that cause cancer of Hydroxychloroquine, Vitamin D
low in beta carotenes would be able and other diseases in mankind and and Zinc – or (for those who prefer
to ingest more through this ‘golden’ don’t yield healthy food outputs in it) from natural sources like the
idea of genetically altered rice and abundant quantities as promised. plants God gave us. Instead of using
thereby fight against eye diseases like Whereas handling the soil, the seeds Ivermectin which is even available as
night blindness. Instead of introduc- God gave us, the water and the air affordable generics in the so-called
ing foods rich in beta carotenes like – and each other - with honor and low-income countries to help cure
44 | we tell the true afrikan story