Page 41 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 41


          Any individual who knowingly commits an                               proof ”. This means that those who
          act which constitutes an infringement of  plant                       accuse farmers of infringement do
          breeder’s right, ... shall be guilty of  an offense                   not need to present strong proof
          punishable by a fine of  between 5 million Riels                      of such infringement, while farmers
          and 20 million Riels [1250 – 5000 USD],                               must bear an increasing part of the
          or by a period of  imprisonment of  one to five                       burden of showing that they have
          years, or by both a fine and a period of  impris-
          onment. Re-offenders shall have their previous   variety, in addition to the fine and prison   not infringed the law. In order to
          sentences doubled. Law on Seed Management   sentence, the propagating materials obtained,   do so, they must keep records of
          and Plant Breeder’s Right, Cambodia44  and the materials and equipment used in the   the seeds they use, buy and sell, and
                                             process of  propagating the variety illegally, shall   must accept inspections of their
          Any person who has infringed a breeder’s right   be confiscated. Law on Protection of  Breeder’s   premises, fields and books when
          or an exclusive exploitation right shall be   Rights for Varieties of  Plants, Dominican   they keep them. This is in direct
          punished by imprisonment with work for not   Republic48               conflict with the Universal Decla-
          more than ten years or by a fine of  not more                         ration of Human Rights that states
          than 10,000,000 yen, or combination thereof.   d) Some of the latest draft laws   that everyone must be considered
          The Plant Variety Protection and Seed Act   – clearly under the pressure of   innocent until proven guilty.
          (Act No. 83 of  May 29, 1998) as amended   industry – have included provisions
          by Act No. 49/2007, Japan45        that would allow someone to be     For the purposes of  claiming the remuneration
                                             banned from farming if these laws   [for the use of  privatised seed] ... any farmer
          b) If a farmer uses privatised seeds   are infringed.                 who... may be deemed to have performed an ex-
          without the permission of the                                         ploitation [of  that seed] ... is obliged to deliver
          owner of that variety (for example,   There shall be created, under the jurisdiction of    ... data to the holder – upon his request...... If
          if he or she got the seed from a   the National Institute of  Seeds: (…) b) The   the authenticity of  the data provided is disput-
          neighbour, or bought seed one year   “National Registry of  Seed Users,” in which   ed, the burden of  proof  shall be on the farmer.
          and then kept part of the harvest   any physical or legal person who uses seeds shall   Act XXXIII of  1995 on the Protection of
          to use the next season), their crop   be registered (...) Section 44. — Where the   Inventions by Patents, as last amended by Act
          can be seized and destroyed, as well   offences defined in section 45 are committed,   XXVII of  2009. Part V. Protection of
          as their harvest and the products   the National Institute of  Seeds shall sanction   Plant Varieties, Hungary50
          obtained from their harvest. This   the perpetrators with (...) e) temporary or per-
                                             manent suspension from the relevant registry;
          kind of sanction can be imposed    f) temporary or permanent disqualification.   Using this logic, the new legislations
          even before the farmer accused is   (...) Section 45. — The National Institute   sanction or punish farmers and
          actually declared guilty, as was the   of  Seeds shall, as prescribed in section 44,   peasants before they are proven
          case in Colombia, where tons of    sanction anyone who: a) infringes the provisions   guilty or before they are even in-
          farmers’ seeds have been confiscat-  of  sections 9 [inadequate signage associated   formed they have been accused. For
          ed and destroyed based on suspicion   with seeds exhibited, sold, or exchanged],18   example:
          of infringement.46                 last paragraph [distributing an unregistered
                                             variety] or 29 [giving privatized seed in any   a) Peasants’ houses and other
          2) The holder of  a breeder’s right or the holder   manner]; (...) i) fails to register in the Na-  buildings and vehicles in a farm can
          of  an exclusive exploitation right, ...may   tional Registry of  Seed Users as prescribed by   be searched without a court order,
          demand the destruction of  the propagat-  regulation. Draft Seed and Plant Variety Act   based on suspicion
          ing material, the harvested material or the   (presented by the government of  Argentina in
          processed products which is a component of  the   2012 and later withdrawn due to widespread   An Inspector may, a) At any reasonable
          act of  infringe ment, or the objects used in the   resistance)49     time, enter any place, premises or vehicles or
          commission of  the act of  infringement, or other
          measures necessary for the prevention of  such   5. Guilty by suspicion
          infringement. The Plant Variety Protection   If sanctions are harsh, the legal
          And Seed Act (Act No. 83 of  May 29,   procedures imposed by the new reg-
          1998) as amended by Act No. 49/2007,   ulations are a giant step backwards
          Japan47                            in the evolution of human and
                                             social rights. The UPOV 91 laws, as
          c) Tools and machinery used to     well as other laws related to seeds or
          manage the crops or the seeds can   granting property rights over plants,
          be seized as well.                 have increasingly imposed what is

                                             called a “reversal of the burden of
          In the case of  illegal reproduction of  the

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