Page 38 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 38


                                             they will sow the seed they kept and   that are similar to the one they have
                                             how much seed they will use, and   privatised.
                                             they must accept inspections by
                                             public or private agents.          Art. 37. — The rights granted ...cover: a)
                                                                                the protected plant variety (...) b) all varieties
                                             A farmer is in obligation to give, upon request,   that cannot be clearly differentiated from the
                                             the authority and the plant breeder’s right   protected variety... Law of  Algeria n° 05-03
                                             holder the necessary information for establishing   of  27 Dhou El Hidja 1425 or 6 February
                                             the payment obligation. Plant Breeder’s Right   2005 relative to seeds, plants and the protection
                                             Act (1279/2009), Finland17         of  plant varieties, Algeria20
          In other countries, farmers can
          reproduce and keep a privatised    (13) Growers and seed processors are obliged,   Using these two provisions, a seed
                                                                                company can take farmers’ seeds
                                             upon request, to provide to the holder, infor-
          seed for the next season if they   mation in writing about their name, surname,   from the field, privatise them, and
          use it in their own farm, and only   permanent residence address and identification   then claim property over all similar
          if they pay a royalty to the com-  number (…) (15) Growers are obliged, upon   varieties. Farmers will then find out
          pany that claims property          request, to provide to the holder, information in   that they cannot use their own seed,
                                             writing about the scope of  use of  farm saved
                                             seed. ACT of  25 October 2000 on the protec-  unless they buy them or pay a roy-
          (2) A farmer who [reproduces privatized seed   tion of  plant variety rights and the amendment   alty to the company that claims the
          in his/her own farm] ...shall pay an equitable   to Act No. 92/1996 Coll., on plant varieties,   variety as its property.
          remuneration to the holder of  plant breed-  seed and planting material of  cultivated plants,
          er’s right, Act on Amendments to the Plant   as last amended, Czech Republic18  Advocates of the privatisation of
          Variety Protection Act of  October 21, 2012,                          seeds have argued that a scenario
          Croatia14                          2. Privatising farmers seeds       where farmers find their own seeds
                                                                                have been privatised cannot hap-
          In a growing number of coun-       It could be argued that as long as   pen, because no property rights
          tries, no exceptions are granted to   farmers keep their own seeds and   can be granted over anything which
          farmers, and hence reproducing     avoid using privatised seeds, they   is not “new” and “distinct”, that
          a privatised seed and keeping it   don’t need to worry. But things do   is, over anything that existed be-
          for the next season is banned      not work that way.                 fore a property right was claimed.
          outright.                                                             What these laws actually say is that
                                             UPOV 91 and patent laws allow      a seed cannot be privatised if it is
                                             the privatisation of farmers’ and   “previously known”, a “matter of
          The breeder’s rights shall not extend to: acts
          performed in a particular context for experi-  peasants’ seeds through two mech-  common knowledge” or has not
          mental purposes which are not commercial in   anisms:                 been “sold by or with the consent
          nature; (...) operations performed in connection                      of the breeder”. So if the company
          with education or scientific research which relate   a) Companies and breeding institutes   claiming rights over a seed variety
          to the creation of  new varieties. Law No. 99-  can take seeds from farmers’ fields,   has not previously sold this seed –
          42 of  May 10, 1999, on Seeds, Seedlings and   reproduce them, do some selection   even if the variety has been circu-
          New Plant Varieties, Tunisia15     to homogenize them, and then       lating in farmers’ markets for years
                                             privatise them as a variety they have   – it is still considered “new” and
          [The rights of  the breeder] apply also to the   “discovered”.
          production of  seeds or propagating material                          can be privatised. Also “previously
          of  specific species of  a protected variety for the                  known” and “common knowledge”
          purpose of  repeated reproduction (multiplica-  “Breeder” means a physical or legal person,   refer not to what common people or
          tion) for [the farmer’s] own use. Plant Variety   or any employee who has bred, discovered   peasants know, but to what is known
          Rights Act, Estonia16              and developed a new plant variety. The Law   to the seed industry, seed institutes
                                             No. 8880 Dated April 15, 2002, of  The   and intellectual property officers.
          Even when farmers and peasants     Republic of  Albania on Plant Breeder’s Right,
          are allowed to reproduce and keep
          privatised seeds for the next season   b) To make matters worse, a sec-
          (with or without a royalty payment),   ond provision of UPOV 91 allows
          they face an additional burden: they   breeders to extend rights over a
          must tell government authorities and   specific variety to any other varieties
          sometimes seed companies where

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