Page 34 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 34

Health & Healing

                                                                                the body to cross the blood-brain
                                                                                barrier. When He had put up last
                                                                                resort signs and warnings in the
                                                                                bodies of people, when we chose
                                                                                to ignore His voice warning against
                                                                                the use of these things – isn’t that a
                                                                                form of irresponsibility and sheer
                                                                                dumbness on our own part? If it
                                                                                was not enough that we ignored
                                                                                all the signs and warnings, we then
                                                                                took ourselves to a shop and picked
                                                                                up a chemical with the drawing of a
                                                                                skull on it saying ‘danger, warning’
                                                                                and took it and sprayed it on our
                                                                                foods and then ate it. If it was not
                                                                                enough that we ignored that voice
          and abroad, growing its market     she is giving you, but in the herbs   that said that processed foods were
          share and extending its footprint   and the plants that they go to collect   causing strange reactions in our
          and calling itself a success – and                                    bodies: constipation, itching skin,
          in order to do so, it added toxic   from their traditional medicine   bloating, we loved the taste so much
          chemicals in the form of preserva-  practitioner for themselves and their   that we continued and taught our
                                             families – leaving you to contend
          tives and food coloring and appetite   with the side-effects of the pills and   children to eat the same garbage,
          enhancers in order to increase de-  tonics that they have given you.  condemning them to a state worse
          mand. Then we, knowing that food                                      than our own. We then put guns to
          in nature does not survive beyond   When we ignore the signs that are   the heads of our citizens to force
          a few days once it has matured,    around us, then later say, “Where   them to take experimental therapies
                                             was God? Why couldn’t He have
          go ahead and purchase packaged     stopped these evil things from     whose side effects were unknown to
          juices and foods that have a three-  happening?” When all along He had   us, knowing we would not support
          year shelf-life and we don’t look in                                  them financially, spiritually, mentally,
          the mirror and ask ourselves what   even had to put up signs, warnings,   emotionally or any other way in the
          we are doing? Instead, we applaud   saying that food is not meant to be   aftermath of any issues they would
                                             handled this way – look to nature.
          ‘modern technology’ and don’t      When He had put up signs, warn-    encounter. Seriously?
          question the weird things that start   ings, saying that the human body is
          to happen to our bodies because of                                    When we ignore the signs, we had
          the preservatives?                 meant to use the leaves for medi-  better be prepared to reap the whirl-
                                             cine and the fruit for food, not to   wind, because we are doing nothing
                                             inject below the skin surface items   but sowing the wind.
          Consider the farmer who knows      that cause materials unnatural to
          that glyphosate causes cancer and
          continues to use it on his produce
          so that he can make good sales at
          the market, while protecting the
          food that his family eats from this
          chemical? Consider the US govern-
          ment that is beginning to withdraw
          glyphosate from use but is not
          sounding adequate warning to other
          nations to take the same measures?
          Consider the fact that the US gov-
          ernment is beginning to withdraw
          the product and not calling an all-
          out immediate stop to its use around
          the world. Consider the doctor who
          knows that the answers lie not in the
          toxic modern pharmaceuticals he or

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