Page 32 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 32

Health & Healing

          as being ‘normal’ but that very    warning and notice to everyone that
          name, dis-ease or a lack of ease,   something is amiss in the spiritual,   But I began observing the
          immediately tells you that it is not   social, mental, physical environment   world around me and I took
          normal. It is not ‘par for the course’.   around and within the people. Not   note that many of  the people
          It is evidence of abnormality that   just the one person affected, but the
          has encroached on the well-being of   people as a whole. Sickness, in many   who had shared experiences
          humanity and is to be fought with   indigenous cultures, always pointed   such as vaccines, toxic food,
          as great a diligence as one would   first to a spiritual issue and then   drinking, poor diet, poor
          fight off an enemy that has broken   to a physical one and it was always   sleeping habits did not end
          into one’s home. That’s because    addressed as such – unlike in today’s
          dis-ease is an enemy and a thief. It   world.                         up looking the same.
          takes one’s money, strength, time
          and physical appearance without any   This means that increasing cases of
          apology. But most people will toler-  cancer, increasing cases of autism,   to generation. They created a reality
          ate it and even accept its presence in   increasing cases of irritable bow-  that was not needful.
          their lives. And yet, there are enough   el syndrome, increasing cases of   This manufactured reality is what
          examples of people around them     myopia, hypermetropia, astigma-    the world has been conditioned to
          who are not suffering like they are,   tism, increasing cases of baldness,   accept. That dis-ease is ‘normal,
          which means that there is an oddity.  increasing cases of infertility among   ordinary and commonplace’. Yet,
                                             men and women are all signs to the   it’s not and we must ask questions
          I started to think about this about   community that there is an issue   if we’re going to get to the bottom
          12 years ago. Before that I was of   that has caused an imbalance or   of things. “How come my grand-
          the mindset I described above and   a displacement and it needs to be   child reacted to this food, which our
          spent a lot of time with people who   addressed. Not by building more   family has been eating since I can
          were the same. But, I began ob-    hospitals or training more special-  remember?” “How is it that these
          serving the world around me and I   ists – but by understanding its root   children raised in the same home
          took note that many of the people   cause and fixing that. The people   have completely different health
          who had shared experiences such    who have chosen to ‘own’ the situ-  profiles?” “Why are more women
          as vaccines, toxic food, drinking,   ations their bodies are facing have   from around the same 10–20-year
          poor diet, poor sleeping habits did   missed a crucial step in resolving a   vaccination period struggling with
          not end up looking the same. “Oh,   wider issue in the society that they   endometriosis or PCOS in their 20s,
          they’re just stronger.” Ok, fine, but   were being used as an indicator or   30s and even 40s?” “Why are men
          why? My husband noted that a huge   warning for. Movies and books put   who grew up in the 1950s in Afrika
          number of people in Kenya both     out all these ‘noble’ ways to die of   dealing with issues of prostate
          young and older people wear glasses   sickness, surrounded by ‘loving’   cancer later on in life? Even those
          to help correct their vision and he   friends and family and courageously   who were from completely different
          asked me why. I had no answer. All   accepting the situation – but that   communities.” “Why were there
          along I had just thought, “That’s   was just more spiritual, mental and   increases in eczema, asthma, food
          just the way it is.” I remember even   emotional energy that was being   allergies and acne in Afrika in chil-
          telling him, it must be because of   put out there to cause the world   dren from the late 1960s onwards?”
          the “too much reading that Kenyans   to turn and embrace the obvious   “Why are children getting obese?”
          do” (that’s the type of ‘humble brag’   dysfunction that was around and   “Is there a link we are missing in all
          people use around dis-ease). Quite   within them – instead of facing it   of these health issues” “What can
          foolish, I think. But he pointed out   like an enemy and finding out what   we do to stop these things?”
          there were people of an older gener-  the real cause of the issue is. Instead   We must become observers of the
          ation in the same country who had   of dealing with the evil head-on,   world around us by choice and as a
          no such issues and that in Nigeria,   we created a multi-billion-dollar   matter of urgency and as a delib-
          it was not a thing. So, that added to   market that is ravaging our people   erate act. Look at your world and
          my contemplation on good health    and destroying the future. By taking   consult those who would know, such
          vs. dis-ease. It is lately that I start-  the evil energy that the movies and   as wise elders who have observed
          ed to understand that the dis-ease   books disseminated, people in the   changing trends over the years.
          which affects a smaller percentage   world re-transmitted it and caused
          of people is meant to serve as     it to gain strength from generation   What’s going on in the world is not

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