Page 30 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 30
stead choosing to focus Kenya (yet ‘stupid’, is: “Given to unintelligent our beautiful Afrika and a story that
again) on a very narrow dependency decisions or acts, acting in an unin- we have to fight to change between
on exports to the neo-imperialist, telligent or careless manner.” I think us. Because it is evident that gov-
neo-colonialist UK – once again that many of our Afrikan leaders are ernments are not going to do this
on THEIR terms and for THEIR adhering to these kinds of things for us. They think we are ineffective,
benefit… The only reason why this a little too closely. Carelessly con- yet they perpetuate the very uneven
would be the case is because the demning their citizens to socio-eco- playing fields that cause us not to
‘representatives’ have not done the nomic prisons of their making, thrive.
necessary work to focus the efforts simply because they want to curry
of the nation on building a strong favor with their non-friends from But we can face one another and
and united Afrika. So, it’s not that America, Europe and China, they support one another, by seeking
they are blind. Maybe shortsighted put all of us in a position where we each other out to trade with, to
about the long-term implications of simply cannot find room to grow, manufacture for, to finance, to sell
their choices, but they do see what to breathe or to thrive. Then, as in commodities to, to guide on stan-
they are doing. the case of Kenya, they turn around dards and regulations governing
and tell US that our products are how we do business with each other.
I may have shared this story before of poor quality and therefore are We can do that for each other, legal-
about how, one night, on the way to not deemed fit to be purchased ly, deliberately and committedly and
Jomo Kenyatta International Air- by foreigners for local use. Telling in such a way that we actually shift
port, I saw a truck that was heading generations of young Kenyans that the landscape of things in our own
in the same direction, filled with they and their parents are ineffective favor. It is time for Afrika to give
green beans of a size and quality at manufacturing. So much so that what is best to and to do what is
my eyes had never seen in the local their products fail to qualify for pur- best for Afrika and the only way that
market. I was in a taxi and I asked chase even for use locally, because happens is if you and I do it togeth-
the driver about it and he said, these they are of ‘poor quality’. That’s so er. Recently, Kenya’s president nego-
are for export and that Kenya will heartless. Not for once did they stop tiated for Kenyan nurses to be able
never see this quality in their market. to question themselves, to find out to work in the UK. Kenyans jumped
He went on to school me and to what was wrong with their own local at the opportunity, excited to be able
help me understand that it happens bureau of standards, or training to go and work abroad. I’m sure the
with every single commodity that we institutions, or their own will to pay is better… but, what happens
sell. Only the top-quality items are invest in their people. In addition to the quality of Kenyan healthcare
exported, the leftovers are for the to denying local manufacturers if her best nurses – and you can
people of the land to consume. It’s opportunity to have their products be sure that those interviewing will
no joke. I attended a flower show in purchased by foreign tenderers, they only pick the best – travel abroad to
Nairobi once and saw roses. No, you then go ahead and open doors for give their strength to the neo-colo-
don’t understand. You think your foreign goods to get access to Ken- nialist forces at work? Are you track-
eyes have seen roses. These were yan markets at rates more favorable ing with me? If WE don’t stop and
gigantic long-stemmed roses in a than local manufacturers are given. choose to do our best by each other,
variety of colors you had no hope If that is not a kill shot to the head we will be swept away by things
of ever finding in the local market. of local industry, then I don’t know that look good, superficially, but the
Roses from white-owned flower what is. And the smoking gun is in larger impact will GUARANTEE
farms. I was stunned. I saw some of the hands of our so-called leaders. that Afrika remains chained like the
them once again a few years later, Based on Kagame’s own words, I unicorn in the British coat of arms,
in Cairo, adorning a ‘five-star’ hotel, am not naïve enough to think that enslaved forever while constantly
imported from Kenya. Corona the Kenyan story is an isolated inci- giving her strength and her wealth to
changed some of these narratives, dent. I’m sure others from different a leech that is more shrewd and cun-
to some extent, but you know even countries in Afrika will read this and ning than her former colonies are.
with flight restrictions for humans, recognize the economic sabotage
food must find a way through… so they have encountered at the hands You see, even if they choose to
Kenyans went back to consuming of their own governments. It’s a sad, be, WE cannot afford to be blind,
the usual cast-offs not long after familiar story that has broken hearts stupid, selfish or heartless. The price
restrictions were instituted. and businesses from the north, to we pay is too hefty.
One of the meanings of the word the west, to the east to the south of
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