Page 42 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 42


          receptacle where he/she believes there is any   Information, Integrated Circuits and Plant   g) Private entities or individuals
          seed to which this Act applies, packaged or not,   Variety Law, Iraq55  may be granted the power to act
          take samples for the purpose of  ensuring that   c) Crops, harvests and products   as inspectors or certifying authori-
          the provisions and regulations of  this Act, are   made from the harvested material   ties, creating de facto private police
          being complied with.(...) g) enter any public   can be seized or destroyed before a   entities. Seed companies can set up
          or private premises during or after regular   farmer is proven guilty, once again,   such entities and become inspectors
          business hours without notice of  inspection   based on suspicion...
          when a suspected violation of  this Seed Act                          of small seed producers or other
          and regulations. Model Seed Act For Southern   The court may order the confiscation of  the   competing companies.
          Africa Countries. Southern African Seed   infringing variety as well as the materials and
          Systems Development Initiative. USAID/  tools substantially used in the infringement of    The accredited certification system shall allow
          RCSA51                                                                individuals, third parties, seed laboratories,
                                             the protected variety. (...) The court may also   and/or seed entities to inspect fields, sampling
                                             decide to destroy the infringing variety as well as
          A seed inspector may, for any of  the purposes   the materials and tools or to dispose of  them in   and test seeds, and /or issuance of  labels sub-
          of  this Act and at all reasonable times a) enter   any noncommercial purpose.” Coalition Provi-  ject to the regulation of  this Seed Act. Model
          upon any land, building, premises or vehicle at   sional Authority Order Number 81. Patent,   Seed Act For Southern Africa Countries.
          or in which there is reasonable cause to believe   Industrial Design, Undisclosed Information,   Southern African Seed Systems Development
          that any prescribed seed or restricted seed is   Integrated Circuits and Plant Variety Law,   Initiative. USAID/RCSA60
          being stored, sold or transported for sale in
          contravention of  this Act, or is being packaged   Iraq56
          in packages or other containers which are                             Good for farmers, good for breeders?
          marked or labeled.... in contravention of  this   d) Accused farmers often have a
          Act.... (...)  d) further, may seize and remove   very short time to gather proof of   UPOV-based legislation and other seed laws
          therefrom any prescribed seed or restricted seed   their innocence    are often justified with the argument that they
          (...) The word “sale” includes “gift” Seed Act                        are good for farmers and for plant breeders, as
          (Act N°9 of  1996), Malawi52       Art. 24.- The testing period will be of  eight   well as for society as a whole. Farmers benefit,
                                             working days. Decree Num. 530, El Salva-  the argument goes, because these laws help to
          Any authorized officer or police officer not be-  dor57               create a vibrant and competitive plant-breeding
          low the rank of  Inspector may, for the purpose                       sector that produces high quality seeds that
          of  enforcing this Act, do all or any of  the   e) Accused farmers may have the   farmers can use. They also benefit because
          following: (a) enter, inspect and examine with   obligation to denounce others that   counterfeiting practices are eliminated and the
          or without notice any premises or farm at any   have infringed the law,  available seeds are free of  pests and diseases.
          reasonable hour in relation to any offence rea-                       Plant breeders benefit because, through clear
          sonably suspected to have been committed under                        intellectual property and other rules, they can
          this Act; Protection of  New Plant Varieties   The following non exhaustive list of  enforce-  make a return on their investment. And society
          Act 2004 . Act 634, Malaysia53     ment measures might be considered (...) vi)   as a whole gets new solutions to old problems,
                                             measures to require an infringer to provide   accessing new technologies and permitting
                                             information to the holder of  the breeder’s right
          b) Searches can be carried out based   on third persons involved in the production and   progress.
          on accusations that the accused may   distribution of  infringing material Explana-  None of  these arguments hold true. If  any-
          not have been informed of...       tory Notes on The Enforcement of  Breeders’   thing, the global race towards the privatisation
                                             Rights Under The UPOV Convention. Ad-  of  seeds has led to the creation of  a monopolis-
          Where a precautionary measure is applied [in-  opted by the Council at its forty-third ordinary   tic global seeds industry that increasingly dom-
          cluding confiscation of  crops, seeds, and harvest   session on October 22, 2009 58  inates the world seed supply while threatening
          products] without the other party having been                         age-old local farmer seed practices that form the
          given a prior hearing, OFINASE [the Na-  f) Searches and seizures can be car-  cornerstone for sustainable food production. It
          tional Seeds Office] or the competent judicial   ried out with the support of military   is criminalising farmers in the process.
          authority shall notify the affected party within   force.
          the three working days following the application                      The good news is that the world is starting to
          of  the measure. Plant Breeders’ Rights Act no.                       realise what’s happening and what’s at stake.
          8631, Costa Rica54                 Article 67.- The local authorities at all levels,
                                             armed forces, customs and excise, airport and   Despite all their power, big companies and
          B. 1. The breeder of  the protected variety,   port offices, and other relevant authorities shall   powerful governments pushing seed laws are
                                                                                not having an easy time. Popular opposition
          before bringing a claim of  infringement, may,   co-operate in the uncovering, prevention and   and resistance has surged around the world,
          with by a bond, request the court to order any   suppression of  seed offenses and in the tempo-  and in many places popular movements have
          of  the procedures provided in paragraph (A)   rary storage of  evidence relating to seed offenses   managed to stall and even repeal the new
          of  this Article, without notifying the defendant.   upon request by the Seed Inspector. Law on   regulations. These struggles now need support
          Coalition Provisional Authority Order Num-  Seed Management and Plant Breeder’s Right,   and strengthening.
          ber 81. Patent, Industrial Design, Undisclosed   Cambodia59

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