Page 50 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 50


          Self Sustaining Africa

          By Keith Lizinde

                       hat is self-sustaining?   believing that a self-sustainable Af-
                       Self-sustaining is    rica is not possible without western
                       the ability to con-   influences and help but that is far
          Wtinue in a healthy                from the truth and western coun-
          state without outside assistance. A   tries and China are opposed to an
          Self-Sustaining Africa is an Africa   idea of a self-sustaining Africa as
          that is self-sufficient and relies on   this would end their exploitation of
          our resources and institutions rather   our resources and us as a people.
          than depending on western coun-
          tries/China.                       We believe, as Africans, that the suc-
                                             cess of Africa is dependent on the
          A self-sustaining Africa is an Africa   west or China, but that is far from   Keith Lizinde is a 21 year old Pan Afri-
          that is a dream of one day where   the truth because depending on the
          we as Africans can enjoy the fruits   west or china hinders us and puts    canist who is fighting for a self  sustaining Af-
          of our labour and resources, which   us in a subservient position. We saw   rica that can operate and function on her own.
          will  lead to our development in key   this in the COVID -19 outbreak and   “I believe making Africa self  sustainable is
          areas such as education, economics,   how it had a massive impact on the   a key fight for us as young people and most
          politics, and health. We have been   world economy and this impacted
          programmed and brainwashed into    African countries economies much         importantly the next generation.” He says.

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