Page 52 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 15
P. 52
contrary, it asks us to acknowledge we establish a relationship with the To finish off my point on how
– and contextualize – instances of African diaspora. African diaspora is important a self sustainable Africa
mal-governance in terms of how ex- diverse, multifaceted and multi-gen- is, we see how our most influential
ternal donors and companies often erational in demographics, spanning and greatest leaders were murdered
enable (and encourage) such actions every continent and socio-econom- before they could even implement
to preserve lucrative economic ic status; the diaspora has a great their self-sustainable models within
arrangements. potential in contributing to Africa’s their countries. Leaders like Patrice
socio-economic development. We Lumumba, Kwame Nkrumah,
Notably here, Nkrumah’s key text need to understand that the Afri- Samora Machel, etc., these leaders
– Neo-colonialism: The Last Stage can diaspora can offer creative and struck fear into western countries
of Imperialism – was published in innovative ways of development in with their ideas, because the idea
1965. It provoked immediate polit- key areas of our societies in Africa of a self sustainable Africa crushes
ical reaction from the USA at the which consist of education, eco- Neocolonialism and exploitation of
height of the Cold War. Less than a nomics, politics, and health. We our resources and people.
year after it was released, President understand African diasporans bring
Nkrumah was overthrown in a mili- unique expertise and skills that will In truth, the existence of a strong,
tary coup abetted by Washington.” aid African development and self united and truly independent Africa
sustainability. was a thing of terror to the coun-
We see how he incorporates Kwame tries with imperialist inclinations to-
Nkrumah, who was one of the first It has been argued that, for African wards the continent of Africa whose
leaders in Africa speaking about countries’ economies to successfully aim was the continued subjugation
how Neo-colonialism would come transition from their current state of and exploitation of the continent
into play once we are ‘independent’ commodity-dominated production, and people of Africa. This is one of
and how it will destroy African to high value-added, job-creation the reasons why they did everything
progress. This all leads to my un- production, the continent must they could to sabotage the idea of
derlying point that the west seeks design and implement strategies to a true independence, destroying
to stop Africa from ever being self harness large amounts of resources infrastructure and seeding puppet
sustainable. Self sustainability is a efficiently. One such opportuni- leaders in countries to ensure their
sin within the ideology of white su- ty that is grossly underutilized is continued control of these lands,
premacy, which uses neocolonialism engagement of the large African for their own benefit. This is one
to exploit, abuse, brutalize, and kill diaspora. This demonstrates the po- of the reasons why they continue to
Africans. Not only is self sustain- tential that a collaboration between sabotage every single attempt by Af-
ability key to economic development diaspora and continental Africans ricans and genuine African leaders
in Africa but it is also a way to pro- can result in the building of a pro- to establish for themselves and the
tect us from Europe, USA, Chinese, ductive and self sustainable model people of Africa an environment in
and Arab imperialism. Africa has for the continent of Africa. which the continent can thrive and
never been able to protect itself grow in a manner that would ensure
from outside forces, because we We can see examples of how this it was actually the economic giant
are dependent on the same people could work in the words of Dr that it can be.
who are exploiting and brutalizing Sabelo Gumedze who stated that “It
us. Like Marcus Garvey said, “you has also been suggested that Afri- To end on a positive note, we see
cannot depend upon another race ca could learn lessons from other how Burkina Faso (in a 4-year span)
to free you, that is a basic law of emerging and developing countries became a self-sustainable country
human existence” in order for us to that have successfully engaged their under Thomas Sankara due to him
enjoy and maintain our freedom we diasporas for economic and so- cutting foreign aid and loans and
have to be self sustainable and that cial development. The example of making sure Burkina Faso relied on
is paramount for the next generation Malaysia’s TalentCorp, a partnership its resources and people. That 4-year
of young African leaders. between the government, the private span of development and progress
sector and the overseas diaspora – is evidence and proof that we can
Although I have stressed how works to bring educated and highly be self-sustainable and succeed at
important self sustainability is to skilled Malaysians living and work- the highest level as a continent and
Africa, we must understand that ing abroad back to the country.” this is my dream and life goal for my
this can not come to fruition until people and continent.
52 | we tell the true afrikan story