Page 46 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 46


                 The Invisible Citizens

                            A CASE FOR THE ONES WE CHOOSE TO IGNORE

                                        By Abel Merawi, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

                   he daily hustle we all    We brush against them as we cross   said that society is measured by
                   endure ends when dusk     paths, but they don’t disturb our   the way it treats the least of its
                   closes in, and we retreat   peace since they are as background   members. King reminds us, “True
          Tto whatever shelter we            a reality as the inanimate objects   compassion is more than flinging a
          call home. But, amongst us are the   we fail to see. The invisible street   coin to a beggar; it understands that
          unfortunate ones who remain in     citizens extend their hand and cry   an edifice which produces beggars
          the unforgiving streets, for they   out for help, but we respond in au-  needs restructuring.” Verily, any
          have nowhere to go and no place to   tomation. With indifference, we toss   social and political organization that
          call home. These are the invisible   them a coin or two to rid ourselves   produces and ignores voiceless and
          citizens of the street. In the safety   of their disturbing presence. And   invisible homeless citizens must be
          of our homes, we are oblivious to   if we belong to the pseudo-inno-  reorganized. With this spirit, I hope
          their existence. After we closed the   cents creed, for whom the world is   to at least start the conversation
          gates, we also veiled our imagination   a playground, we may even retreat   that awakens us from our slumber
          to external reality by dwelling on our   in shock as if under attack. In the   and reconstruct the social evil we
          endless personal woes. Our apathy   meantime, the street citizens remain   constructed.
          is no wonder as our TV and phone   voiceless in every realm of life.
          screens orchestrate a lullaby of                                      Any real progress begins with iden-
          fairyland. Then, when the sun rises,   Society at large has denied the   tification and a proper diagnosis of
          we open our gates but our mental   existence of its most deserving    the problem. This begs the question
          gateways remain locked. We move    and least protected members. Such   as to why we indifferently block the
          with mechanical intentionality to   indifference could undermine any   plight and suffering of the homeless.
          attend to our daily tasks or idly roam   democratic pledge since greatness   Perhaps the explanation of George
          the streets. Either way, the invisible   connotes humanity. The Great   Marshall in ‘Don’t even think about
          citizens are not part of our world.   Martin Luther King Jr. has rightly   it’ serves as a starting point. He

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