Page 50 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 50


          doctrine advocates discarding over
          three centuries of the lawful rec-
          ognition of the supremacy of the
          sovereign nation state, established
          by the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia,
          which ended over a century and a
          half of religious warfare in Europe.
          Blair’s anti-nation state doctrine
          insists that the so-called interna-
          tional community has the right to
          use its more powerful militaries to
          eliminate governments under the
          amorphous notion of quote ‘hu-
          manitarian intervention.’”                              President Biden defends ending war in Afghanistan

          Liberal Democrat George Soros cre-
          ator of the Open Society, and super
          funder of liberal causes, supported   modern history. This moment pro-  ly  or applying political coercion to
          and expanded Blair‘s new “R2P”     vides President Biden with a unique   other nations under the pretext of
          doctrine. In his 2004 article in For-  opportunity to define a fresh foreign   imposing so called western democ-
          eign Policy Magazine, Soros wrote:   policy approach.                 racy. Rather we should emulate one
                                                                                of our great U.S. presidents, John
          “Sovereignty is anachronistic      Let President Biden demonstrate his   Quincy Adams, who said in his 1821
          conception originating in bygone   commitment to this new outlook     Fourth of July speech, “America
          times… it became the cornerstone   by reversing his administration’s   goes not abroad, in search of mon-
          of international relations with the   involvement in undermining the   sters to destroy.”
          treaty Westphalia in 1648…The      elected government of Ethiopia.
          rulers of a sovereign state have   The U.S. should be supporting and   Instead of weakening nations
          responsibility to protect the state’s   strengthening PM Abiy in his efforts   through sanctions and the withhold-
          citizens. When they failed to do so   to secure the nation-state of Ethi-  ing funds for development, the U.S.
          the responsibility is transferred to   opia against separatist-rebels trying   should export republicanism. The
          the international community.”(em-  to dismember the nation.  Sanctions   U.S. was founded as republic with a
          phasis added)                      will not help Ethiopia. It is not in   government constitutionally man-
                                             America’s interest to have a weak-  dated to provide for the “general

          Who comprises this supercilious    ened Ethiopia. Sanctions are not an   welfare” of its citizens. All great
          “international community” that de-  effective method of conducting re-  U.S. presidents, regardless of party,
          cides to disregard the sovereignty of   lations with a sovereign nation that   understood that fostering economic
          nations, and from whence did they   has provided stability in the region   growth, propelled by advancements
          acquire this entitlement?          and been an ally to the U.S. There is   in science and technology, was the
                                             no justification for the U.S. to turn   proper means to ensure prosperity
          Will Biden End Foreign Interven-   against Ethiopia, its erstwhile part-  and tranquility.
          tions?                             ner in the Horn of Africa.
                                                                                Ethiopia, although still an emerging

          President Biden’s August 31, address   Sanctions should be repealed imme-  nation, has distinguished itself by
          to the people of the United States,   diately. This will require President   launching bold initiatives to drive
          could portend the end of U.S. policy   Biden curtailing his Secretary of   economic development, particularly
          of mis-adventurism around the      State, Antony Blinken’s proclivities   in the area of infrastructure. Let
          world, when he said: “This decision   for interventionism and Samantha   the basis for a renewed alliance and
          about Afghanistan is not just about   Power, a longtime supporter of   friendship between Ethiopia and
          Afghanistan. It’s about ending an era   “R2P” and George Soros.       the U.S., be grounded on policies
          of major military operations to re-                                   that promote economic progress for
          make other countries.” If so, Biden’s   A new foreign strategy should not   Ethiopia’s 110 million citizens.
          presidency will be a turning point in   be predicated on intruding militari-

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