Page 53 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 53
Innovate Afrika
Economic Co-Operation Between
Afrikan States Will Bring Unity And Counter Negative Influences:
The case of Ethiopia, Sudan and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam ( GERD)
By PD Lawton, UK.
Link To The Original Publication:
Africa should support and to have energy and to have their terrorism list, still finances are being
GERD” resources used for the sake of their withheld. Professor Mekki Elm-
countries.” ograbi says that economic integra-
““GERD is an African tion between Ethiopia and Sudan,
development portal. Africans need On the longstanding friendship be- rather than just political and security
GERD because Africans need de- tween Ethiopia and Sudan, with PM co-operation,…..
velopment. And development can- Abiy Ahmed having played a key
not be achieved easily in this world role in negotiating the Juba Peace “So when Sudan missed the way of
these days. You need to fight for Agreement between the military economic integration [with Ethi-
development. Because the world is and civilian wings of the new Sudan opia] , this opened the doors of
divided and the big powers want to government in 2020, now despite international intervention, regional
deprive African nations from their Sudan having been removed by intervention, neighbor influence,
very rights to develop their countries Washington from the sponsor of Egypt`s influence, all this happening