Page 52 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 52


          The country under the Derg had     power, and the centrifugal forces of   blood of her children.  Ethicist poli-
          started it’s descent into the blood-  separatism grew as Eritrea became   cies separated families, shattered ties
          shed of the Red and White Terrors,   independent and ethnic based po-  of friendship and sowed suspicion
          and the escalation of the separatist   litical parties became ascendant and   among us all.  Change should always
          wars in Eritrea, Tigray, and the Oga-  separatism spread.  All thanks to the   be for the better.  Therefore on this
          den (where Somalia would launch    weakening of these ancient bonds.   day that the country paid back their
          a major interventionist invasion).    Again came demands for change   sovereign who had toiled tirelessly
          All this unrest along with the mass   from the new rulers replacing the   on their behalf as its leader since
          nationalization of private industries,   old, but conflict deepened and walls   1917, with betrayal and humilia-
          second homes and rental properties,   went up between ethnic groups that   tion, we should take a moment and
          all land in the country, the push for   had lived together in harmony for   contemplate what we have passed
          collectivized farming and the institu-  centuries, intermarrying, in good   through in the 44 years since, where
          tionalization of a command econo-  neighborliness, under a common     we are headed in these hope filled
          my on a soviet model led to eco-   Ethiopian identity.  Ethiopianess   days, and how we wish to emerge
          nomic collapse.  Above all economic   was weakened, diluted, even assault-  from all this as a people.
          mismanagement, internal and exter-  ed in favor of narrow ethnicity and
          nal War and Mother Nature’s wrath   language.  Unprecedented corrup-  I am confident someday people will
          expressed in horrible droughts came   tion and abuse of power took deep   learn to value and preserve what is
          together to cause one of the worst   root.  Soon the same people who   important and useful and beauti-
          famines in history in the mid 1980’s   installed this system found it had   ful from our past, rather than cut
          which made Ethiopia a synonym for   turned on them, as upheaval spread   everything down and burn it up
          hunger. Ethiopians for the first time   and anger welled up from a popu-  and end up with ashes.  For one,
          in their long history began to flee all   lation that had enough of it.  There   I think instead of the ceremonial
          these disasters, creating the one of   were no longer elders to say “stop”   presidency we have in Ethiopia now,
          the world’s largest diaspora commu-  “calm down” “let’s talk things out”.    a ceremonial constitutional monar-
          nities.                            Those elders had long been tossed   chy would serve the country would
                                             aside.                             serve better as a symbol of unity,
          Derg rule was governed by Marxist                                     legitimacy and historic continuity.
          ideology, which became its guid-   Ancient timeless Ethiopia needed   Besides, a ceremonial president in-
          ing force.  This philosophy tried   reforms and some degree of change,   stalled by the governing party could
          to undermine the ties of religion,   but the upheaval caused by the   never be the impartial symbol that
          culture, and tradition, all of which   revolution of 1974 and the regimes   transcends political parties in the
          were regarded as being tied to the   that came after destroyed much   way a ceremonial Emperor would.
          ancient monarchical past that the   more than just her image.  Change   A president like that could never be
          Derg had discarded.  What they     in our case was not for the better,   a person to jump in and say “calm
          failed to realize however was that   and did little to improve the lot of   down” and “let’s talk” as an impar-
          culture, religion, tradition and in-  the people.  Today we see a dynamic   tial figure between disputing parties
          deed the monarchy, were all part of   leader who once again has lifted the   or factions.  He would always be
          a complex social contract between   banner of Ethiopianism, unity, to-  identified with the ruling party that
          the state and the diverse community   getherness and reform without the   put him in office, no matter how
          of the governed.  The old traditions,   divisive “us versus them” mentality   nice or reputable he would be.  A
          the dignity, the old world manners,   that has torn our society apart for   monarch could.
          the old nobility of spirit that existed   the past 4 decades.  I feel that we
          even in the poorest households,    the people however have not caught   A country as ancient and as rich
          were discarded in the name of      up with Dr. Abiy.  In most of our   in history as ours deserves no less
          progressiveness,  revolutionary zeal,   rhetoric we still think in terms of   prestige than that enjoyed by Britain,
          and Marxist-Leninist doctrine.  The   “struggle” and “revolution” which   Sweden, Belgium or Norway, all of
          Derg failed to recognize that attack-  have been hammered into our psy-  which have dynasties and histories
          ing and weakening these institutions   che by decades of various flavors of   much shorter than ours, but have
          would kill off this social contract   Marxist leaders.  Revolution smoth-  managed to preserve the majesty of
          and weaken the foundations of      ered an 82 year old man in his bed.    their old institutions and yet enjoy
          the state and the unity of its peo-  Marxism and it’s factions bathed   vibrant democratic, prosperous and
          ple. The Derg fell after 17 years in   the streets of Addis Ababa with the   free societies.  It is food for thought.

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