Page 47 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 16
P. 47


          speaks of ‘meta-silence’ to explain   opia; an insidious form of bigotry   stream and Social Media, it is on the
          our mental ability to silence an issue   against the helpless. It blinds us   harsh portrayal or avoidance of the
          to the point of silencing even the   from recognizing their physical pain   invisible citizens. As a rule, the me-
          inquiry regarding the reason for   and deafens us from hearing their   dia never speaks of them primarily
          our denial and silence. He explains   mental and spiritual agony. Our top   because they are not commercially
          how this is a psychological defense   national priorities speak of this sad   attractive. Even a magazine named
          mechanism of protecting our inno-  truth. We have created a narrow and   ‘Justice’ never speaks of their injus-
          cence because the recognition of a   superficial existence; our existence   tice, even ‘Fortune’ and ‘Capital’ fail
          pressing crisis necessarily leads to   is truncated in ethnicity, religious   to mention these invisible citizens
          personal engagement. When we see   sects, market values, and endorsed   because they are unfortunate and
          this in relation to the homeless, we   by media that either ignore or blame   without capital. The myopic spec-
          silence the issue and never ques-  the invisible citizens.            trum of the media is unaware that
          tion ourselves because recognition                                    a country that fails to identify and
          challenges our minds and makes us   Our identity is utterly narrow to   alleviate the plight of helpless citi-
          restless unless we act constructively.   allow humanity to operate uni-  zens can never be just or civilized.
          In reality, protecting our innocence   versally, not even nationally. Such   The crime of the Medias is worst
          through the denial of suffering will   an identity leads to an apathetic   when it actually speaks of them.
          only intensify it, transforming crisis   forgetfulness towards the helpless   After we treat them inhumanely, we
          into a catastrophe.                street residents. We have forgotten   held phone-in radio programs where
                                             them when we sealed our identity in   we display our audacity to judge and
          It is indeed a catastrophe when a   ethnicity. Alas! How empty rheto-  condemn them. We call them lazy
          country accommodates the co-ex-    ric is ethnic identity, which fails to   while we are too lazy to help. We call
          istence of two irreconcilable lives   even notice the homeless and the   them criminals when we are the true
          – lives in the street and lives in a   orphans. The failure of every ethnic   social criminals who extended their
          modern-day castle. Dr. Cornel West   group to incorporate them can only   unfortunate lot through indifference
          cautions us from calling it a prob-  indicate that the helpless ones are   and ostracism.
          lem, because to these invisible citi-  without identity. What’s worse, we
          zens, it is a ‘catastrophe that visited   abandoned them as we fortified our   In all areas, we see a callous machine
          upon them’ with no fault of their   humanity in religious sects. Every   operate in the name of modernity
          own. According to a study conduct-  religion translates humanity into a   and civilization. We have to rec-
          ed in 2020 titled, ‘Pathways through   status gained for being noble cre-  ognize that traditional societies, at
          homelessness among women in Ad-    ations of the Creator. But each sect   least in Ethiopia, do not produce
          dis Ababa, Ethiopia,’ there are some   extends humanity to followers and   homeless people because the strong
          50,000 homeless people in Addis    abandons all the rest to rot in the   social bond doesn’t allow it. Home-
          Ababa alone. About a year ago, the   hell of an earthly and afterlife. The   lessness is dominantly a city crisis,
          Ethiopian government announced     academic and economic identity is   where people are too busy with
          that it will rehabilitate 22,000 home-  no different. As we have barricaded   personal indulgences to the point of
          less people from 11 cities in Ethio-  ourselves in intellectual and trade   forgetting their social responsibility.
          pia. The success of this attempt is   unions, we closed the gates for iden-  I hope not to be a hypocritical critic
          questionable.                      tity on the very people who need   who hastily condemns but never
                                             recognition for existence. In the   provides tangible solutions. I can
          Despite the government and chari-  final analysis, we have made them   only mention that this article is a
          table works, the situation persists. It   voiceless through a political system   beginning of a long discussion that
          is a national problem that requires   that identifies a person only through   will only end when tangible solu-
          concerted action from each one of   IDs, property, ethnic identity, and   tions are forwarded and the problem
          us. Yet it is seldom discussed as a   the countless systematic shackles   is addressed. This is the first attempt
          major issue.                       that makes them invisible citizens.  to recognize the problem and raise
                                                                                an agenda. I only wish to remind us
          Our inhumane treatment of the      The inhumane reality we created    that the ‘invisible citizens’ exist and
          desperate ones is proof of our mor-  is transformed into an acceptable   deserve the dignity of life we declare
          ally bankrupt social, political, and   social standard through the silence   as democratic citizens under the
          personal lives. We cannot see or hear   and utterance of the media. If there   banner of human rights.
          these invisible citizens of the street   is an accord between the main-
          because we suffer from mental my-

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 16 | OCTOBER 2021       47
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