Page 73 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
P. 73


          By grace, each Revolution is divided   though; their sleeping through the   cine,” can heal mankind better than
          into two sides. A good side. And   third Revolution was not by their   what can be done by God himself
          a bad side. Mankind ought to be    choice. It was by the will of God.  ???
          extremely careful when choosing the
          side of a Revolution which corre-  Man-made countries, Revolution     Family planning, Revolution
          sponds with the purpose of each
          mankind.                           If God wanted an Earth which is    Children are a blessing from God.
                                             chopped up into countries; God     Right ???
          The mankind who is helped by God   would have done that himself at the   Children of God are a blessing
          to successfully choose the good side   time of creation. There is nothing   which nobody else, besides God,
          of a Revolution, reaps glorious joy.   that can suggest that God left it to   can give. Right ???
          Whilst the mankind who recklessly   mankind to selfishly erect on Earth,   Why then is mankind obsessed with
          picks the bad side of a Revolution,   senseless national borders.     “Family planning” methodologies
          reaps bitter sorrow.               Rather; all the reasonable evidence   ???
                                             points to a generous God. Who
          God does not allow any of his Chil-  formed Earth to become the only   Genetically modified foods,
          dren to “sleep through a Revolution.”   shared natural habitat, for the entire   Revolution
          Doing so amounts to choosing the   Nationhood of mankind.
          designated bad side of a Revolution.                                  Mankind cannot give life to him-
                                             Fact; there is no reasonable justifica-  self. Or to any other living creature.
          Yesteryear Revolutions             tion for National borders. Neither is   Right ???
                                             there justification for the use of the   How then does Genetic engineer-
          The first Revolution was when      immigration laws that are so very   ing fit into the template which God
          God created “Earth and everything on   popular, right across the globe.  uses to maintain the Life which God
          Earth.”                                                               gives to mankind ???
          The second Revolution was when     National borders. Immigration laws   Which Spirit then is motivating
          God introduced himself to the      are a total disgrace for the Nation-  mankind to fuel his obsession with
          Nationhood of mankind. That time   hood of mankind.                   genetically modified foods. Genet-
          when there was a chosen tribe. That                                   ically modified plants. Genetically
          tribe, at one time, ended up living   Advances in medicine,           modified animals ???
          under captivity in Egypt. Then; in   Revolution
          his own time, God delivered the                                       Who then is the mastermind behind
          chosen tribe to their “promised land.”  To heal mankind, God requires no   the Genetic modification Revolution
                                             hospital. Right ???                ???
          The third Revolution was when the   What then is mankind doing in
          Antichrist teamed up with “the Prince   hospitals ???                 Crop Fertilizers, Revolution
          of  this world.” In leading mankind   Who then is healing the mankind
          into a revolt against the Lord God   who ends up in hospital ???      God has been farming on Earth
          of mankind.                        Why is there so much death, so     ever since the creation of “Earth and
                                             much suffering; so much pain, in   everything on Earth.”
          It is that revolt that gave birth to   hospitals ???                  The evidence which proves that
          the Politics of mankind, which were                                   God is the primary Farmer, is the
          pioneered by the Pharaohs.         At which stage of his God owned    grass. The trees. Which have been
                                             life. Did mankind decide not to    germinating. Which have been
          If the Pharaohs did not end up     depend, for healing, on the expertise   growing, unaided. Ever since the
          “sleeping through” the third Revolu-  of the Giver of life himself ???  beginning of time.
          tion, they would have quite easily   What then is fueling the Revolution
          realized that the “Exodus” of the   that gave birth to the mischievous   What then is the purpose of the
          Children of Israel, from Egypt     talk about “advances in modern     Fertilizers industry, Revolution ???
          to Canaan, was powered by God      medicines ???”                     Who is the mastermind behind
          himself.                           Is it the foolishness of mankind   the so-called modern methods of
                                             which is encouraging mankind to    farming ???
          Unfortunately for the Pharaohs     think that his “advances in medi-  Mining, Revolution

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