Page 74 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 17
P. 74


                                             During the dead of the previous    “In our own time, which is pretty soon,
          When he is in his rightful mind;   night, the Covid19 virus secretly   we shall set up billion dollar Industries to
          mankind would be fully aware of    touched down on God owned mag-     manufacture Personal protective equip-
          the fact that each time mankind en-  nificent Earth.                  ment.
          gages in Mining activities, mankind                                   “To manufacture masks and sanitizers.
          steals from God.                   The masses of this perishing world   “To manufacture anti covid19 vaccina-
                                             were caught totally unawares. They   tions. In short; “with you in mind,” we
          Fact; mining is mankind plundering   did not have even a single clue about   have set up a multi billion dollar covid-19
          what does not belong to mankind.   what hit them.                     Industry.”

          Mining is outright destabilization of   All that the masses were to witness   What the Illuminati group did not
          the very same God owned mag-       was the falling sick. The dying of   tell the masses, is the fact that the
          nificent Earth. Which God gener-   family members. Of dear friends.   multi billion dollar covid-19 In-
          ously gave to the Nationhood of    The dying of dear relatives.       dustry is wholly owned. Is wholly
          mankind; as mankind’s only shared   The health of the majority of man-  powered by “the Prince of  this world”
          natural habitat.                   kind who were attacked by the virus,   himself.
                                             deteriorated at a furious pace.
          How then can mankind plead                                            Lockdown
          innocence during the act of stealing   To the masses; the sudden dramatic
          what belongs to God ???            passing away of dear Children of   “Lock yourself  up in your house.” So the
                                             God, must have felt like the untime-  Illuminati rudely instructed the masses.
          Revolutions currently in progress  ly arrival of the planned end of this   “Do not leave your houses. That means
          In his greed. At his most foolish.   world.                           stop going to work.
          Mankind graduated with full “hon-                                     “Shut down all public places, like bars and
          ors.” From nasty Revolutions that are   Noticeably; the commotion that   Restaurants.
          powered by the Politics of mankind.   went on everywhere, around the   “Shut down all businesses. Except
          To awkward Revolutions that are    whole world, did not seem to bother   covid-19 Industry businesses.”
          engineered by crazy philanthropists.   the Illuminati group. With tonnes of
          By the fate that can come to man-  “insider information,” at their dis-  “Do not let anyone enter your house either.
          kind only from the highest office   posal. The Illuminati had absolutely   That means stop socializing with your
          of the devil. The latest man-made   nothing to worry about.           neighbors.
          Revolution, is wholly powered by a                                    “Stop socializing with your friends.
          heartless Illuminati group of man-  As per the Nature rule book, the   “Even your relatives are not an exception.
          kind.                              future belongs to the almighty Lord
                                             God of mankind. Be it the future in
          Some time during the twentieth cen-  the long term. Or the future in the
          tury. The Illuminati group teamed   short term. Only God knows about
          up with “the Antichrist.”          tomorrow. Nobody else does.

          The unholy alliance gave to the    Nevertheless, according to the Illu-
          Nationhood of mankind, a “handy”   minati group, the covid19 virus ush-
          self destruction button. Ready for   ered in a brand “new world order.”
          use by mankind. At any time. To    “Covid19 is a deadly virus, which is
          trigger the planned demise of this   very capable of reaching all corners
          perishing world.                   of this world,” they said.

          The man-made pandemic,             “We, the Illuminati, are going to facilitate
          Revolution                         the promulgation of  the Earthly laws that
                                             are necessary to control the spread of  the
          On one crazy morning; the masses   virus.
          of this perishing world woke up to   “Plus; we, the Illuminati, shall make sure
          an unfamiliar loud BOOM type of    that the covid-19 Industry develops to its
          feeling.                           fullest within the shortest time possible.”

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