Page 29 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 18
P. 29

Health & Healing

          and see my brothers and sisters….
          his mom came to the house and tried
          to talk them [my parents] out of
          the abortion, but they wouldn’t listen
          to her…my mother kept telling me I
          had cost them $800.

          Considering that most adult women
          report that at least some pressure
          to abort, it is likely that minors
          are even more often subjected to
          pressure. Indeed, studies have found
          that around 8% of girls who told
          their parents about the pregnancy,   can be difficult and damaging to the   desire can lead to emotional insecu-
          and 18% whose parents found out    parent-child relationship. The secre-  rity, breakdowns in trust, and fear.
          themselves, were outright forced to   cy entails feelings that the girl can’t
          have an abortion against their will.  trust her parents, and can lead to   Research has shown that children
                                             lasting feelings of guilt and shame.   struggle when a sibling is aborted
          For many of these girls, the proce-                                   for genetic reasons. When they
          dure may temporarily preserve what   Relationships with Other Chil-   are partially or fully aware of what
          relationship they have with their   dren                              happened, they tend to be saddened
          parents, whether positive or nega-  The relationships that suffer the   and disappointed and struggle with
          tive. Ultimately, however, abortion is   most from a woman’s decision to   guilt. Some children describe the
          likely to have severe negative conse-  abort are perhaps her relationships   abortion as the worst thing that
          quences for the girl’s mental health   with her other children.       ever happened to them. Even when
          and for her bond with her parents.                                    the children are not aware of the
                                             Children’s Emotional Reactions     abortion, family dynamics still may
          Abortion already carries grave men-  to Abortion                      change.
          tal health consequences for many   For children, abortion is inherent-
          women. When girls are pressured    ly difficult to cope with, whether   Children may also feel that abor-
          to abort, they also experience a   it happened before or after they   tions were performed because of
          major betrayal of trust. The coer-  were born. Young children gen-    them, or even to punish them. They
          cion violates the woman’s confi-   erally struggle to distinguish their   can internalize the termination,
          dence in those whom she relies on   understanding of an unborn child   feeling mutilated by what happened.
          most, which can create feelings of   from a child already born. Since the   Other children can experience so
          resentment and anger. Threats of   distinction between the two is more   much fear of being killed, whether
          abandonment or ostracism of the    of a social construct than a concrete   consciously or subconsciously, that
          woman also destroy her belief that   difference, abortion is difficult for   they can developmentally withdraw
          she can depend on her parents for   children to understand.           and regress. In some of these cases,
          care.                                                                 the parents did not even realize that
                                             When a sibling has been eliminat-  their child knew about the abortion.
          Girls whose parents are involved   ed from the family, children may
          in an abortion are often made to   struggle to rationalize the loss.   Studies have also shown that chil-
          feel that their actions have creat-  Knowing that they were wanted, but   dren with aborted siblings struggle
          ed nothing but problems for the    that a sibling was not, can lead to   with the feeling that they don’t
          parent. The parent’s pushing for an   guilt and uncertainty. Children can   deserve to be alive. They tend to
          abortion teaches her that she is not   fear that their wantedness could be   experience increased anxiety and an
          mature enough to take responsibility   withdrawn and even perceive their   impending sense of doom, often
          for her own actions, or that she is   parents as murderers. Children also   facing depression and psychiatric
          a problem herself. For girls whose   may struggle with feelings of hostil-  hospitalization. These effects stand
          parents are not involved in the abor-  ity that they cannot express because   in stark contrast to the fact that even
          tion decision, hiding the abortion   of their desire to stay wanted. This   children with miscarried siblings feel

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