Page 25 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 18
P. 25
becoming murderers of their own
brothers and sisters. Someone has
to let the government know what
the side effects are, and someone
has to advocate for those chemicals
to be de-licensed and rejected from
use in those specific countries. And
someone has to be ready to help
empower a generation of farmers to
return to simpler, cleaner, healthier
ways. And that someone can be you
reading this article.
The same is true for dangerous
food production, which results in
products that are causing more
harm than good, the same for toxic
factories which are polluting our
air and water, the same for toxic
construction practices, which are
endangering river and sea life, the
same for toxic education curricula
which are rotting the minds of the
next generation… and on and on.
This is the rolling up of the sleeves,
this is the unromantic side of
tell you just how much needs to be countries that had signed up to the change. This is where the work is.
done in order for us to make head- treaty, thereby condemning their And it is work that is going to be
way against some of the things that own people to prison terms simply carried out in an environment where
are working against us. The time for for selling seed that someone else some do not want the status quo to
talk is over, and the propensity for claims title to yet did not create – change, because changing it means
it must be cast off, if we are ever to someone has to step forward and that they are out of money from
move forward from the wallowing let people know of the existence of bribes, they are out of money from
to the doing of things. this legislation. Someone has to ad- sale of toxic goods, that they have
vocate for this legislation to change. to invest more in safe production
In very practical terms, in order for Someone has to sponsor a bill; measures, that they have to change
people to be aware that modern can- someone has to speak up! Someone their own mindsets and to face the
cer treatments are destructive to the has to do their job in parliament to fact that they have been profiteering
human body and that there are al- push for policies that really work to off of evil. In some cases, it means
ternatives that do not have the nasty bring such bills that are beneficial that those who do not want change
side effects that many of these med- to our people. We simply have too have to face off against evil global-
ications do, someone has to invest much of idealistic people wishing ists and globalist organizations that
in educating the people. Someone for things to magically happen, are threatening their lives, those of
also has to invest in researching and while we lack realists who are willing their family members or even their
developing the herbal cures that are to get their hands dirty to change livelihoods because they could not
beneficial to the treatment of cancer Afrika. deliver their country to the table of
without turning people into shells corruption.
of themselves. In order for people to stop poison-
ing food with toxic chemicals that So, while it is useful to remember
In order for UPOV to be over- lead to cases of cancer, someone has that Mekatilili wa Menza faced off
turned in Afrikan countries and for to educate the farmers and let them against the evil British colonial
legislation to be reversed in those know that they were tricked into
oppressor and even slapped one