Page 24 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 18
P. 24
rolling up of sleeves to push forth
what must come forth. Giving birth
to something new is a sweaty, slimy,
messy, and bloody experience, but
it is definitely worth it. But I am
concerned that many of my Afrikan
brothers and sisters are allowing
themselves to wallow for too long in
the memories of the past, and the
longings for a future that cannot be,
unless they actually participate in it.
Even if it is the golden crowns and
the titles that they are looking for.
So, we end up with too many specta-
tors for activities that require more
participants than they do observers.
You tell me how we will transform
Ehe? You want to turn the clock from what was, to apply it to what is the areas of agriculture, medicine,
back and live in the days of the and build what is to come. However, business, technology, finance,
Pharaohs, or you want to deal with based on my observations, it seems government, sports, culture, music,
the realities that we are facing on there is both a romanticizing of the arts, pharmaceuticals, health-
the ground using the understanding what Afrika was and what Afrika care, international relations, with
and confidence of knowing that we will become, and no accurate vision everyone opting to sit and observe
are a people who have answers and of what must Afrika manifest now. and critique from the sidelines? The
solutions that can be applied here It is tiring. Some of that has to do thought came to me earlier, which
and now to liberate Afrika from with stirrings of the imagination prompted this article, that nothing
a place of confusion, doubt and that were created by the realm that gets done by people merely standing
dual-natured reasoning? Confusion Marvel created with the kingdom by and looking. I can tell you that
that leads to the combining of the of Wakanda in the Black Panther. the majority of people are so caught
desires of the former and neo-colo- Stirring up the imaginations of the up in trying to get by each day that
nialists with the aspirations of our Afrikan people with the possibility they have been relegated to the
own hearts as a people, resulting in a that there is a realm from which realm of observation. This stuck-
weird culture that leaves Afrikans in we draw our powers that makes us ness is happening simply because
limbo, waiting for someone to save stronger and better than the rest of they choose to remain in tune with
them but never wanting to be the the world, and that we shall arise the rhythm of the world, instead
ones to step out. Or just killing the from the place where the world has of breaking away from it. And so,
messenger when he comes. It is like disregarded us to show them what they remain swaying to the rhythm,
we like engaging our vehicles in re- we are made of. Then we shall get a observing those who dare step out,
verse gear while expecting to move seat at the table at last! maybe even desiring to participate,
forward. It is foolishness at best. but resort to critiquing, and never
How long shall we sit and stare at While it is true that Afrika is made acting. There is a very genuine fear
the scrolls of ancient Egypt? How for greater than she has so far ever in choosing to come out of the
long shall we tell ourselves about brought forth from her womb, I thinking patterns and habits of the
how intelligent the Dogons are and also know that this greater has to be world – but the rewards of this are
how skillful they were with the study brought forth in the middle of all endless. For one, you become an ac-
of the stars? How long shall we sit of the madness and insanity that is tive participant. That alone is huge!
under the moonlight wishing that unfolding in the world around us. I
one day an ancient one will suddenly also know that it is not a romantic, That Afrika’s landmass is as huge
appear from thin air like in Black idealistic snapping of the fingers as we have understood it to be in
Panther and show us magical ways that will cause the reality to mani- recent years, encompassing the
to deal with the issues in Afrika? fest, but a work of mindset shifts, physical landmasses of many of the
Wisdom demands that we learn heart-level commitments and a world’s largest economies should
24 | we tell the true afrikan story