Page 13 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 19
P. 13
that went. It was a lot of cleaning
I must say. Throughout the night
As Afrikans, we must change shortly after I took that medicine,
our ways from the victimism I could not sleep. Vomiting uncon-
that we have allowed for so trollably and running to the toilet
until morning. But I could tell that
long and begin to redefine and nothing that needed to come out of
reframe our perspectives about my system was going to be spared.
life and humanity. Our history In the morning, things calmed
down and the vomiting and loose
did not begin with slavery nor stool stopped, and I was just fine as
should our future be define by if nothing had happened.
colonialism or neo-colonialism Now, because our lives are not just
or the dance of the puppets a collection of random events,
and their puppeteers that we on that same day as I was going
through the colon cleansing, I could
have right now. We must take tell what I was being made o under-
up responsibility for our lives stand in my spirit about the cleans-
and the health of our children ing required for the days ahead
and that’s really what this article is
and the general community about.
that we live in.
About depression
Samuel Phillips In an article that I shared on my
personal blogsite, I shared some
is a writer, graphic designer, photogra- a hospital in all my life for any seri- things about the coming global
pher, songwriter, singer and a lover of ous ailment. So, I am definitely not depression and how to escape. I will
however add a few more lines of
God. As an Afrikan content creator, he interested in those toxic things they thought here to give a more com-
is passionate about creating a better im- call drugs. Natural herbal medicines plete picture.
age and positive narrative about Afrika work just fine for me, and they are
safe with almost no side effects,
and Afrikans. especially when they are not abused. In that article, I wrote about how
depression really is what happens
My personal opinion though. to us when we are faced with the
pain of the loss of things or people.
Anyway, we got some herbal tea And, concerning depression, I
for the cleansing and it was a very used the imagery of coming down
to learn how not to box Him into a eye opening and interesting event. from a mountain top of career,
corner of our thoughts, or into how Among the various herbal teas she relationship etc., into a valley, and
we think we know Him and how He gave us was one she just called Co- how it shows that there is need to
has dealt with us before. lon Cleanser. It was different from climb a new mountain. But here is
the others and the smallest among what I want to add to that article.
Recently, a mild issue came up that them all in terms of quantity. I am King David, the writer of Psalm
required me to do a colon cleans- talking of something that is as small 23, had a clear understanding of
ing, detoxification of my body and as half a teaspoon. She gave some what it means to come down from a
take a more conscious approach to instructions about how they should mountain top into a valley low and
diet. So, my wife got in touch with a be taken and what the initial reac- how such low places are created to
sister we know who deals in indige- tion would be in my body. give us a new hope and connection
nous herbal remedies and teas. Yes, to life. Here is what I mean. King
I definitely do not like conventional One of the things she said would David said “Yea, though I walk
medicine, and, by God’s grace, have happen was vomiting and loose through the valley of the shadow
only had the common cold, flu or stool. Oh my! You really don’t of death, I will fear no evil; For You
fever. I have never been admitted to want to hear the details of how