Page 16 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 19
P. 16
not need the government to clean us to live and give our best to those Our history did not begin with
your environment; cultivate plants around us and the larger society. slavery, nor should our future be
that help clean the air in your envi- defined by colonialism or neo-colo-
ronment, or even plant safe organic You could be reading this article nialism or the dance of the puppets
foods in your kitchen or spare spac- while still in your village or ru- and their puppeteers that we have
es in your compound. ral home where you went for the right now. We must take up respon-
Christmas holidays or maybe you sibility for our lives and the health
Understand the days ahead are reading it later in the year or of our children and the general
and prepare so. One thing remains, which we community that we live in. Do not
To understand the days ahead, is all must put at the forefront of our leave unattended that which you
not difficult. One just needs to minds, we can be better Afrikans have the power and the resources
disabuse their minds from the many and definitely should be. to attend to. For the greatest help
castles of teachings and ideas that But what does it mean to be a bet- our communities really have is not
have been built over time. And ter Afrikan? the police or the 911 call line, but
one way to do this is to ask God one another as neighbors. So, you
for guidance and also search the Well, for me, I think it is quite sim- are asking how to change Afrika
scriptures yourself and you will see ple. Once you know and understand and make it a better place? It begins
that there is nothing that is going what it means to be an Afrikan in with YOU, YOU and YOU.
on right now globally that was not the real sense of the word, then
captured in scriptures, directly or just do better at being that Afrikan My new book
indirectly. And, for those who do that you have come to know and I have just released a new book ti-
not believe in God or the Bible, understand. tled: LIKE THE DAYS OF NOAH
no one will force you to do so, but The Afrika that I grew up in, in my AND LOT-Living In The Days
take a look around you and you will younger days, did not have “sou- Before The Third World.
see what you need to do. We must less” humans who prefer to video The book, I believe will shed a bit
be deliberate about understanding someone who is drowning rather of light on the gray areas of where
these things and how to respond than help, just so they can have we are right now in our world and
when faced with the challenges the content to post on social media for what we should do. I must say
years to come will bring. likes and comments. The Afrika this book does not cover all that
that I grew up in, in my younger is required for this season, but
Be a true Afrikan days did not have this rate of im- care was taken to touch on things
For many people, corporations morality that we have now. Unlike that are important for a start. I am
or even charity organizations, the then, when we had those with intentional about how this book is
start of the year is when they make genuine hearts and creative minds sold, so I won’t be having it on am-
resolutions about how to live better influencing our kids to make great azon or the like. We are done with
in the new year. New Year’s resolu- strides, what we have now are social making money for Amazon through
tions, I believe, are as old as anyone media influencers whose only in- unfair deals and the American gov-
reading this article. The worrying fluences are in the area of sex, sexy ernment through taxes while they
question now is this. How many bodies, sex scandals, homosexuality call us poor.
times have we all made new year and all manner of debased acts that
resolutions that we simply aban- are not worthy of what it means to Details of how to get a copy can
doned after the first week of the be Afrikan. You can tell yourself be found using the contact on the
new year? You can do a quick mind anything you want concerning the advert on this magazine and on the
review if you need to. But it’s very foolishness called homosexuality or banner ad on my website.
important that we all find ourselves lesbianism, it does not change the
in the line of truth, reason and fact that it is an error in the sight of 2022 will be a good year for all of
selfless attitudes towards life. wisdom. us, with new heights to reach, but
I used the words truth, reason and that will be to the extent to which
selfless attitudes deliberately to As Afrikans, we must change our we are open to change, correction
mean that, we cannot continue to ways from the victimism that we and a clean heart. So, get to work.
live like robots or humans who have have allowed for so long and begin
lost their ability to understand life, to redefine and reframe our per- Have a BLESSED and PROSPER-
humanity and what is required for spectives about life and humanity. OUS 2022.
16 | we tell the true afrikan story