Page 14 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 19
P. 14


          are with me; Your rod and Your
          staff, they comfort me.
          You prepare a table before me in
          the presence of my enemies; You
          anoint my head with oil; My cup
          runs over.” See Psalm 23:4-5.

          What this means is that, the ability
          to know and also understand the
          good Shepherd as the one whose
          light leads us through the valley of
          the shadow of death and darkness,
          is one of the reasons we are sent
          into the valley places. To truly know
          Him personally. Like with the dry
          bones of Ezekiel 37, the valley
          place is where the army of God is
          set up and where they are nourished   Clean your spirit               ancestors that worshiped God on
          at the table prepared in the pres-  In a world that is so blanketed by   Mount Kenya, or the various other
          ence of their enemies. It is the place   religion and religious activities, it is   worship altars, with pure hearts
          where their mandates are tested and   quite easy to want to define spirit   towards Him, without ever seeing
          their purposes made sure. Meaning   or the spiritual from the space of   the Bible or having any contact with
          that coming down into the valley   churchgoing or any other cultural   Christianity.
          from whatever mountain one had     or traditional religious activity. But
          been on before is not for evil, but   spirituality or spirit, in its simplest   We are stepping into the days of
          for one to come to the table of    form is actually whatever it is God   much distress and global chaos, and
          nourishment and a new anointing    calls a person, or persons, which   a clean spirit is required to dwell in
          and oil for the next phase of the   creates their day-to-day lifestyle and   those days and also thrive in them.
          journey. For when he said “You     for which they are connected to the   Each one must define for them-
          anoint my head with oil; My cup    mind of God and His purpose for    selves what their identity in God is
          runs over.” It is in connection to   the earth. It is that simple really,   and from that identity, live out their
          what comes next after one has been   even though it gets a bit more com-  daily lives in alignment with God.
          nourished at the table prepared in   plex as one digs deeper into God.   Why is this important? The nations
          the valley. To give detailed expla-  Meaning that whatever it is that   of this world are under the control
          nation of the phrase “my cup runs   God calls you and whatever identity   of the enemy of God. And because
          over” will make me digress too     He gives you from the fullness of   it was all intended by God to be so,
          much, so I will leave it for another   Himself, that is what is your spiritu-  that enemy of God will much more
          article. But the point of what I am   ality, and you are SPIRIT based on   put pressure and control on the
          saying is that, the valley, like I have   that. And you are complete in Him.   people of the world, including you
          already said, is not the place of evil   Meaning you do not ever need to   that is reading this article. Meaning
          as it were, but where our flesh is   step your foot into a church or any   that if you had, before now, tied
          killed and our spirit energized at the   form of worship center to be spirit   your spirituality to church or church
          table of nourishment for the next   or spiritual. How do I know that?   activities, you may be “screwed” if
          phase of our journey with God. We   Ask Elijah. Ask Moses. Ask Enoch.   the churches are shut down due to
          are in such a valley place right now   Ask Abraham. Ask Jesus. These   the lie called pandemic or Covid-19.
          and there is a call to come into the   men walked with God, and as close   I do not need to stress this further
          presence of God for cleansing that   to God as anyone can get, yet not   than I have. We all are aware of
          will prepare us for the next phase   from religious undertones, but from   what has been happening for the
          of our journey on earth. 2022 is a   the unique identities they all have   past two years globally, and need no
          pointer to the beginning of the end   in and with God. I know some    one to keep telling us what we can
          of this age. Please do pay attention   people will find this strange, or even   already see for ourselves. And, in
          to it.                             offensive, but to bring it a bit closer   case you are still wondering where
                                             home, you can also ask the Afrikan   this world is going, and why there

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