Page 19 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 19
P. 19
such as your good fortune, future cans first and believed sincerely in
earnings, good destinies, or even their call. They paid the ultimate
shortening your life. That is to say, price, with even their own deaths,
not every gift is a blessing. Some but the worst of it is that their heirs
gifts are baits in disguise; they are did not put their ideas into action.
gifts with strings attached, that is My question is simple, you leaders
In the loving memory of why even though people give, you of today, for how long are you going
young Free will fighters, advo- should not be in a hurry to take. to nurture greed and embezzlement
at the doors of our states of legis-
cates n’ fatalities of colonial The proverb takes me back to the lature?
days when one of Africa’s heroes,
subjugation a socialist revolutionary leader, “If you do not know where you
Those who were cut-short by Thomas Sankara, reminded Africans are going every road will get you
to be aware of the foreign aid, as he
the gunfire, biological weap- said “Our country produces enough The journey to the Africa we want
to feed us all. We can even produce
ons, o’ folkloric wars! more than we need. Unfortunately, is never easy, if we will keep going
You will always be with us due to the lack of organization, we without looking at where we started.
Our forefathers will sleep in peace
still need to beg for food aid. This
Gone but not forgotten, type of assistance is counterproduc- knowing Africa has an inclusive
growth and sustainable develop-
tive and has kept us thinking that we
Forever In Our Hearts! can only be beggars who need aid. ment, strong cultural identity, com-
We must put aside this type of aid mon heritage, values and ethics.
and succeed in producing more. We
and others were to have quit the must produce more because the one They will be happy to see a united
struggle and surrender themselves who feeds you usually imposes his Africa based on the ideal of Pan Af-
to the western world? will upon you. Let us consume what ricanism and the vision of Africa’s
we can control.” My question is one, Renaissance. We should all remem-
Let us learn from the foundation of you leaders of today, how many ber that when the sailor is unskilled,
our core pillars. One African prov- of you in the office have sold their the boat will not move with the
erb says, “People give, but do not be conscience to certain interest groups steadiness it deserves. Let us burn
in a hurry to take.” In some African simply because they are too excited no bridges of freedom!
cultures, there is a belief that the about the gifts?
tendency of taking and giving gifts In the loving memory of young
is not always good; some With love from her ancestors, Free will fighters, advocates n’ fatali-
gifts can contain a Africa should know that ties of colonial subjugation
charm of spell it is hard to cure the Those who were cut-short by the
attached. madness that gunfire, biological weapons, o’
Some originates in folkloric wars!
people the fam- You will always be with us
belong ily; and Gone but not forgotten,
to a whoever Forever In Our Hearts!
cultic allows that
prac- should be
tice marked as Being black is not a
and an enemy. matter of pigmentation.
when Africa’s
they Founding Being black is a reflec-
give Fathers were tion of a mental
things, true patriots
it will take and sons of attitude-Steve Biko
something Africa. They were
good from you people who put Afri-