Page 26 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 19
P. 26
economic tactics so as to remake Default defines the will of an so TPLF shifted from socialism to
the world in their own image. In the indifferent Western public, while capitalism, which gained it the favor
past, they called colonization and intrusiveness defines their political of Westerners. It then won power
slavery the humanistic mission to system. Default in thought and by joining other rebel factions from
civilize the world. In the past, the deed are the uninterested and cold Eritrea, Amhara, Oromia and other
brainwashing was done through audiences who consume mass media national movements that sought
missionaries who arrogantly and in wholesale. For Western nations democracy. However, it excluded,
blasphemously claimed to bring who are too invested in the affairs persecuted and exiled its allies,
the word of God. Currently, they of the world, for sustaining com- and so autocratically reigned over
call neocolonialism a mission to plete hegemony, a willfully ignorant the nation. This resulted in three
democratize the world as a way of citizenry is ideal. But as the Western decades of TPLF’s tyrannical rule
safeguarding human rights. Current- audience could not tolerate ‘the over Ethiopia, and it used this time
ly, the brainwashing is conducted by pangs of conscience’, the main- to remake the nation in its own
the Western media who haughtily stream media sing lullabies to them. ethnic image. In other words, TPLF
claim to own and dispense truth. Yet Western media are experts, as Noam adopted colonialism’s ‘divide and
the truth and facts behind historical Chomsky says, at ‘manufacturing conquer’ strategy to divide a histor-
and current events are interpreted consent’ and implanting the needed ically unified nation and exploit its
by such media in manipulative ways, emotional reaction – anger, disgust, own nation for the sake of power
making mockery of truth through vengefulness – until they stand in and money. It had imposed the
distortion. Thus, the media is a unison to champion the crimes of fluid and evasive concept of ethnic
powerful tool of neocolonialism their governments. Just as Western identity as the only route to political
that acts with the consent of either citizens cheered the colonial am- participation. The three decades of
a critical or passive public. bitions by accepting the myth of TPLF’s tyranny were used to create
‘mission to civilize’, now too they an ethnically sensitive constitution,
The public, or audience, has a applaud their leaders and call heroes to make public and national holidays
double nature when it deals with their soldiers when they travel over- that celebrated ethnicity at the ex-
internal or personal events, and seas to invade countries. The evil pense of nationality, and to fabricate
when it entertains foreign and im- of neocolonialism had completed an ethnic history and curriculum.
personal events. We view the media its mission in Vietnam and Chile; it While TPLF failed to segregate our
with a sense of responsibility when has violated sovereignty in Iraq and unified nation, it gave birth to belli-
the media is presenting issues that Afghanistan; it still operates in Libya cose ethnic terrorists such as OLF
directly affect us. For instance, the and Syria; and it was shamefully Shene, which seek the secession of
Western audience, for the most part, defeated in Somalia while gaining Oromia at the expense of Ethiopia.
will not tolerate disinformation and fictional victory through movies like
misinformation concerning national ‘Black Hawk Down’. Currently, it is A few years earlier, Ethiopians
issues. Thus, the media is forced desirous of disrupting the histori- reached the limit of exploitation,
to be impartial, or at least go to an cal independence and unity of my since TPLF had robbed them of
unimaginably clandestine extent to beloved nation, Ethiopia. everything and they had nothing
hide the truth. But the same West- left to preserve through submission.
ern public wishes to form an in- In a time of national crises, when Peaceful protesters were slaughtered
different opinion when it comes to Ethiopia is struggling to remove in the process, while Western na-
the affairs of ‘foreign’ nations. The terrorism fatuously ornamented in tions preferred silence. Nevertheless,
nations designated by the Western ethnic garb, Western nations and Ethiopians proved to be worthy of
public as ‘foreign’ are the ones that media have continually failed to the task when the people of Oromia
have no direct influence over their recognize this undeniable reality. To and Amhara joined hands to rally
lives; they are nations that are used show the utterly intolerable Western the nation and reclaim indepen-
to make comparisons so as to feel propaganda, I will have to say a bit dence. It is this struggle for de-
good about how good their lives are. about the domestic terrorists. Tigray mocracy and freedom that brought
But Western politics and media do People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) PM Dr. Abiy Ahmed to power and
not operate the same way the public had begun in the Woyane rebellion drove out TPLF and its cronies. PM
does. They are interested in the that rallied Tigray in a socialist fight Dr. Abiy Ahmed continues to win
economic and political implications against Emperor Haile Selassie. But the hearts of Ethiopians because
each nation has on Western nations. power went to Derg regime, and he champions the very things the
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