Page 31 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 19
P. 31


          of the surface of corporate evils,
          and the greed and selfishness of

          The Chisso Corporation
          “The Chisso Corporation was once
          a fertilizer and carbicle company,
          and gradually advanced to a petro-
          chemical and plastic-maker com-
          pany. From 1932 to 1968, Chisso
          Corporation, a company located
          in Kumamoto Japan, dumped an
          estimated 27 tons of mercury com-
          pounds into Minamata Bay. When
          Chisso Corporation dumped this
          massive amount of mercury into
          the bay, thousands of people whose
          normal diet included fish from the
          bay, unexpectedly developed symp-
          toms of methyl mercury poisoning.
          The illness became known as the    and the government was behind the   As of March 2001, over 10,000 indi-
          “Minamata Disease”.                industry, the entire process appeared   viduals had received financial remu-
                                             ethical. Chisso Corporation’s sales   neration from Chisso to compensate
          In 1907 the villagers of Minamata   increased dramatically, partly due to   them for the harm caused by the
          convinced the founder of Chisso    Chisso being the only manufacturer   chemical release. By 2004, Chisso
          Corporation to build a factory in   of a primary chemical called D.O.P,   Corporation had paid $86 million in
          their town, hoping to benefit from   a plasticizer (diotyl phthalate). Hav-  compensation, and, in the same year,
          the wealth of industrialization. The   ing a monopoly on the chemical was   the company was ordered to clean
          owner, Jun Noguchi agreed to the   a distinct advantage. Since Chisso   up its contamination.[5] However,
          development, but used the people   Corporation was the main industry   the incident remains controversial
          from Minamata as simple factory    in the small town, the town’s growth   for not only the poisoning itself but
          workers. The more elite positions,   period from 1952 to 1960 paralleled   also for the tactics that the com-
          such as engineers and managers     Chisso’s progress.” (Excerpted from:   pany used to suppress the negative
          were “imported” as he termed it,   aftermath.” (Sourced from: https://
          from the finest universities, like To-  mercury/minamata/minamatan-
          kyo University. By 1925, the Chisso   otes_long.htm)
          Corporation was dumping waste                                         Pfizer Inc.
          into Minamata Bay which had the    “As a result of this contamination,   “American pharmaceutical giant
          side effect of destroying the fishing   2,265 individuals in the area were   Pfizer Inc. and its subsidiary Phar-
          areas. The theory behind Noguchi’s   inflicted with what is now known   macia & Upjohn Company Inc.
          policy was to pay off the Minamata   as Minamata disease. 1,784 of    (hereinafter together “Pfizer”)
          fisherman in exchange for damaging   those victims died as a result of the   have agreed to pay $2.3 billion, the
          their fishing environment. Accord-  poisoning and/or the disease. Those   largest health care fraud settlement
          ing to Eugene Smith’s interview of   who were afflicted with the disease   in the history of the Department
          the people who lived in Minamata,   developed skeletomuscular deformi-  of Justice, to resolve criminal and
          the company believed that it was   ties and lost the ability to perform   civil liability arising from the illegal
          much cheaper to pay off the few    motor functions such as walking.   promotion of certain pharmaceuti-
          people who were opposed to the     Many also lost significant amounts   cal products, the Justice Department
          dumping, rather than implement     of vision, as well as hearing and   announced today.
          an environmentally safe technique   speech capabilities. Severe cases pre-
          of waste removal. Therefore, since   sented with insanity, paralysis, coma   Pharmacia & Upjohn Company has
          the villagers accepted this practice   and then death within weeks of the   agreed to plead guilty to a felony
          through compensation of money,     onset of symptoms.                 violation of the Food, Drug and

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