Page 27 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 19
P. 27


          people cherish – the independence
          and unity of Ethiopia and Africa.
          But this was bound to anger TPLF
          and Westerners since both desired
          to oppress and exploit Ethiopia and
          Africa. To quench their tyrannical
          thirst, TPLF declared war on its own
          nation by attacking the Northern
          Regiment of the National Defense
          Force. The current government of
          Ethiopia and the National Defense
          Force, with the support of the peo-  Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, joins the army in the battle field
          ple, retaliated to protect the nation
          and bring TPLF to justice. These
          overwhelming evidences of crime    play a crucial role by echoing the   ers of truth. From recent history,
          are negligible to Western media    propaganda of TPLF and diaspora    we must learn that we should have
          which chose to echo the terrorist’s   sympathizers who live luxuriously   asked Libyans, instead of Obama
          propaganda.                        using money they robbed Ethiopia   and Western media, before disman-
                                             of while in power.                 tling the nation. Now too, anyone
          Western media have directly and    I believe that only the truth has the   who wishes to know about Ethiopia
          indirectly encouraged these terror-  power of disenchanting the world   just has to listen to Ethiopians. The
          ists using historically severed and   of Western propaganda. Manipu-  #NoMore movement by Ethiopi-
          contextually distorted narrations.   lation and propaganda have been   ans, Africans and the defenders of
          TPLF had hidden behind the people   the age-old weapons of tyrants and   freedom across the world expresses
          of Tigray and now uses them as     oppressors in their myopic aim of   the spirit of Ethiopians.
          human waves to attack the nation,   replacing truth with falsehood – it
          specifically the people of Amhara   never works. Yet, it can be effective   In the end, the weight of ignorance
          and Afar. Western media speak the   in reducing truth to mere opinion.   and conceit in Western media is
          same false narrative by framing the   If and when we present counter-ar-  evident in generalized reports on
          attack on TPLF as an attack on     guments to falsehood, we enter     Africa. They begin by saying, “In
          Tigray. Worse still, they continue to   the labyrinth wherein untruth is   Africa, …” when reporting a par-
          ignore the suffering of hundreds   the thesis and truth the antithesis.   ticular event in a particular African
          of thousands of people in Amhara   What we must do is speak truth as   nation. Too often we hear Western
          and Afar who are victims of the    the only form of reality. We cannot   media report on the spread of
          terrorist attacks by TPLF and OLF   argue against a swindler who claims   COVID-19 in Africa, the poverty
          Shene. The ethnic terrorists hate the   apples are oranges; we only have   or economic situation in Africa, the
          people of Amhara and Afar only     to bring actual apples and orang-  political situation in Africa, women’s
          because they are paragons of being   es. Similarly, we cannot argue with   rights in Africa, and absurd African
          Ethiopian. Amhara and Afar never   tyrannical Western media when they   reports ad infinitum. Well, Africa is
          descend to an abysmal ethnic iden-  defend TPLF; we just have to show   a continent rather than a nation! I
          tity for they wholeheartedly identify   the true nature of the terrorist,   think that such media narratives are
          themselves with Ethiopia. I am not   which is what I have tried to do. For   just symptoms of the neo-colonial
          ignoring the suffering in Tigray for   too long, we fought a losing battle   ambitions for oppressing the whole
          I know they too have been used and   with colonialism and neocolonialism   of Africa. Therefore, the tyranny of
          manipulated by TPLF. The people    by trying to show that it is neither a   Western media is another expression
          of Tigray were a scape goat during   mission to civilize nor democratize.   of neocolonialism’s tyranny.
          TPLF’s tyrannical reign, and now   We must have spoken the truth –
          the humanitarian aid is consumed by   colonialism is the worst crime in   As to Africans, I have only one
          the party, which also intensifies the   history and neocolonialism is its   message: We are oppressed and ex-
          people’s suffering to trick the world.   evil child. Now, we must condemn   ploited collectively, and so we must
          Their worst crime was to instill ha-  the tyranny of Western media for   struggle for independence collec-
          tred in their hearts and use them for   they are the agents of neo-colonial   tively as Africans.
          human wave attacks. Western media   propaganda, instead of the defend-

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 19 | JANUARY 2022      27
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