Page 33 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 19
P. 33


                                                                                the fact that they were so obvious-
                                                                                ly corrupt and willing to corrupt
                                                                                society, but to retain them in some
                                                                                shape or form. But why would soci-
                                                                                ety do that?

                                                                                When we speak of Ubuntu: “I am
                                                                                because we are”, we must keep in
                                                                                mind the aspect of personal respon-
                                                                                sibility towards others for choices
                                                                                that we make, or else we miss the
                                                                                point. Each of these three situa-
                                                                                tions are sufficient in themselves
                                                                                to ensure that all manufacturing, all
                                                                                marketing and sales initiatives, all
                                                                                products (financial or otherwise),
                                                                                all financial activities worldwide,
                                                                                all government policy making are
                                                                                reviewed to the greatest depths and
                                                                                breadths possible, in order to ensure
                                                                                that nothing like this ever happens
                                                                                again. But, since we know that the
                                                                                world is still heavily polluted in
                                                                                terms of mindset and perspective,
                                                                                and we know that companies still
                                                                                lie about what the benefits of their
                                                                                products are, that financial institu-
          was denied a government bailout    tions have in common?              tions are more interested in profit
          and shut its doors. JPMorgan Chase   Personal choice. Individuals decided   than ever before, and that govern-
          bought the ruins of Bear Stearns on   on an endeavor and committed to it,   ments are complicit in all these
          the cheap.                         or groups of people came together   things, then we know that valuable
          As for the biggest of the big banks,   to cooperate and build towards a   learnings are not being applied as we
          including JPMorgan Chase, Gold-    common goal. And they did.         move forward from these crises.
          man Sachs, Bank of America, and    Personal motivation. Each one saw
          Morgan Stanley, all were, famously,   a potential benefit in the outcome   Can we genuinely call that
          “too big to fail.” They took the bail-  of their chosen activity from which
          out money, repaid it to the govern-  they hoped to gain and that is what   progress and advancement?
          ment, and emerged bigger than ever   kept them committed to pursuing   But even if the world will not learn,
          after the recession.” (From: https://  the outcome. Even when they saw   should Afrika continue follow their
  things begin to go wrong.         ways of persistent and deliberate
          nomics/09/financial-crisis-review.  Consequences. Out of each of      blindness and culpability? No. Rath-
          asp)                               these situations – and others like   er, Afrika should choose pathways
                                             them – there were costs to be paid.   that make sense for longevity in
          “The Bank of America… paid         Either financial costs or lives lost or   all spheres using cases such as the
          roughly £11 billion in damages     health, or livelihoods, or devastating   three above, and the hundreds or
          for its role in the 2008 subprime   economic or environmental costs.   thousands of others that have taken
          mortgage crisis and financial crash.”   Nothing was left untouched. Worse   place around the world, and on the
          (Source: https://www.scotsman.     yet, the moral fabric of society was   continent to chart a safe course
          com/news/crime/who-paid-the-       damaged by the continuing en-      forward. We sit, as a continent, in a
          largest-criminal-fine-in-history-and-  dorsement of the existence of these   position that offers us the perfect
          why-3376815)                       companies, their products and their   vantage point to be able to view
                                             financial gain. A choice was made   the cause-and-effect relationship
          What do each of  these situa-      not to destroy them utterly, despite   between global policy-making and
                                                                                negative outcome. We can trace

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 19 | JANUARY 2022       33
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