Page 35 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 19
P. 35

                                                                                         Health & Healing

          What are


          By HLI Staff  | November 17, 2021 |

                    n abortifacient is de-   completion of labor.” Indeed, until   tion” from fertilization (union of
                    fined as “an agent (such   the mid-1960s, scientists universally   sperm and ovum) to implantation.
                    as a drug) that induces   acknowledged that human life be-  Under the new definition of “con-
          Aabortion.” However,               gins at the moment of fertilization   ception,” if a device or drug―such
          manufactures often market these    of the ovum by the sperm some-     as an IUD or hormonal contracep-
          drugs under the name “contracep-   where in the Fallopian tube.       tion―prevents implantation, then no
          tion” to make them more appealing                                     abortion takes place.
          to consumers.                      In order to make abortion-causing
                                             methods more palatable in societies   The “family planning” industry
          Many Contraceptives Are            that still widely rejected abortion,   finally succeeded in 1965, when the
          Really Abortifacients              and to circumvent laws designed to   American College of Obstetricians
          In 1963, the United States Depart-  prohibit abortion, the promoters   and Gynecologists published its first
          ment of Health, Education and      of birth control realized that they   Terminology Bulletin, stating: “Con-
          Welfare shared the widely held     had to blur the line between con-  ception is the implantation of a
          definition of abortion as “all the   ception-preventing (contraceptive)   fertilized ovum.” It is important to
          measures which impair the viability   and early abortion-causing (abor-  note that this change in terminol-
          of the zygote at any time between   tifacient) actions. They did this by   ogy was clearly not based upon
          the instant of fertilization and the   changing the definition of “concep-  new scientific findings but was

           WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                         ISSUE 19 | JANUARY 2022      35
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