Page 40 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 19
P. 40
Food Health
Faith, Not Sight
and the battle with the human heart and mind
o my mind, the human can you imagine watching people towards madness. Therefore, they
body, and actually the chewing food and it turning to mush continued their walk away from
entire world around us, and then excrement and waiting to God, and a wholesome and healthy
Tare uniquely designed to pass? Although… it might be some- relationship with Him, and chose to
facilitate living by faith and not by thing of a novelty for some time. start forcing things into view using
sight. With the exception of some In many ways, though, man could technology.
very clear water bodies, insects, ma- not handle the lack of ‘control’,
rine life, and with the exception of a that comes in the form of being Imagine having access to the One
leaf I saw online the other day that unable to track what is going on who has all the answers, made all
becomes transparent when it rains, in the earth, to find out where oil things, sees all things, understands
pretty much everything is opaque. and mineral deposits are, to ‘solve’ all the mysteries and the secrets
You cannot see through the surface health issues that are going on with of all things. You have access and,
with the naked eye to know what man and beast. To, basically, be ‘god’ much like Adam or even Moses,
is going on inside. You cannot see of his own world and answerable to can have all histories, insights and
through the rocks to know what is no one. The reason why this is so, knowledge revealed to you as you
within them, you cannot see into the is because mankind made up their walk with Him, His way… and then
heart of a tree, you cannot see the minds that they wanted to maintain you say, “Nah, I can do this all by
organs of a human body to know the narrative of evolution, as against myself.” Simply because you just
what they are going through. Which creation, in order to continue to want to do what you want to do,
is not so bad in some ways, because justify their own downward slide when and how you want to do it.
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