Page 42 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 19
P. 42


          the things which are concealed from   or other, only serves to emphasize   God, even while the cry “Why does
          plain sight and need to be revealed   the point that the dominion over   God allow bad things to happen to
          through delving deeply using a     the seen realm that man attempts   good people?” goes on through the
          relationship with God, not man-    to control through the technologies   ages. Surely!
          made tools. Like the transparent sea   that he creates, is pulling even fur-
          creatures which are housed deep in   ther away from him because of the   We have to face the fact that today’s
          the womb of the ocean, or the leaf   limited perception that he has of the   modern world and all of its ugli-
          whose other nature is exposed by   unseen dimension that he walked    ness is the result of choices that
          the arrival of the waters from above   away from, whose only access is   were made by man to not deal with
          and all other mysteries on earth…   through the key of faith. For every   reality from the accurate place that
          All of these are signifiers of depths,   single drought, famine, or flood; or   he ought to occupy, but, rather,
          breadths and dimensions that exist   every earthquake or storm; for each   to try to circumvent proper and
          beyond the physical realm.         and every eclipse, or meteor shower,   due process by evading God, and
          For someone like Rebecca, whose    their meanings and significance are   His requirements for dwelling on
          story you can find in the book of   not only captured by, but sent forth   this beautiful earth in the correct
          Genesis, who felt a battle going   from the unseen to the seen, as a   way. So, as long as we continue to
          on in her womb that she did not    reminder that there is more going   choose sight over faith, we continue
          understand, the answer came from   on here than meets the eye. But each   to harvest an abundance of misery
          the unseen, when she herself went   and every time that mankind resorts   and pain for ourselves, and the next
          to ask God what was going on. This   to his instruments and measure-  generations, to encounter and have
          is when it was explained to her that   ments and stops there, he limits his   to face. Why do this, when we can
          she was carrying within her two    understanding. Each and every sin-  simply say, “Ok God, I was wrong,
          nations and the destinies of the   gle time that mankind refuses to go   help me!” and transform everything
          two nations were outlined to her by   and seek God’s face to know what is   around us from this chaos and mess
          God. It was explained to her that   going on and to find out what to do   into something that is real and genu-
          she had within her two realities, or   about it, he shrinks his world even   inely sweet and beautiful?
          mindsets, one that was contrary    further to the limitations of the seen
          to God (which He hated) and one    and to the reality of unbelief. You
          that was aligned with God (which   do not have to struggle to see how
          He loved). It was therefore clear to   much more worse off man is for
          her what her role and purpose on   this pathetic lifestyle choice.
          this earth was as relates to the two
          dimensions who were to come forth   The dependence on prescription
          through her and her responsibility   and non-prescription drugs; nutri-
          to God in all this. She watched over   tional supplements in pills; transac-
          these destinies until she had fully   tional relationships which neglect
          played her part and the inheritance   compassion, love, and brotherhood;
          had been passed to the rightful    rules and regulations that imprison
          heir. Explain to me how a machine   people; toxic chemicals for manufac-
          would be able to tell a woman who   turing which impact food, water, air
          is carrying twins what the unseen   and therefore health; toxic chemicals
          reality of this is. Yet, many families   for farming, and water ‘purification’
          take comfort in the grainy photos   that impact our bodies negatively;
          and settle with the physical reality,   toxic environments socially that
          “We are having a boy!”, instead of   further threaten or destroy our
          pursuing what deeper truths exist   nature and relationships; insistence
          for them as a family. Some even use   of building weapons of war and
          those grainy photos as the reason   death instead of managing relation-
          to terminate the life that is being   ships through love, brotherhood and
          placed in their womb.              compassion; medical interventions
                                             that kill or profit only one party; and
          Every manipulation of the earth,   on and on. These are the fruit of
          through genetic or geo-engineering   man’s desire for independence from

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