Page 46 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 19
P. 46

Food Health

          in the country in 2009 by culling all   raise 2.1 million pigs a year in 21   measures have been tried, from
          pigs on small farms in a 5 to 25 km   six-story barns, with funding from   Eastern Europe to Asia. In Russia,
          radius of factory farm outbreaks,   the World Bank.                   for example, where authorities have
          carrying out pre-emptive culls of                                     ruthlessly curtailed small scale pig
          pigs on small farms, and instituting a   The Thai meat giant, Charoen Pokh-  farming and set up compartments
          system of compartmentalisation to   pand (CP), has also taken advantage   for the large operators, 560,000 pigs
          allow companies to keep exporting   of the ASF pandemic to expand     died from ASF outbreaks in just
          meat from ASF infected areas. Small   its pig farms and pork operations   three months, from November 2020
          farms have been devastated by these   in China, Russia and Vietnam.[31]   to January 2021.
          measures, even though the vast ma-  In the Philippines, where CP has
          jority of pigs affected by ASF have   been operating factory pig farms for   The international response to ASF
          been in large factory farms. Russia’s   more than a decade, it has part-  is not stopping its global spread
          small farms produced around 70 per   nered with the government and the   either. By privileging corporate
          cent of Russia’s pork before ASF   Development Bank of the Philip-    control over pig production and
          hit the country, but now they only   pines in a programme to rebuild   exports, these measures amplify the
          produce about 10 per cent. And,    the national herd, which has been   risks for transmission across bor-
          even as ASF outbreaks continue to   devastated since ASF hit the country   ders. This is not only true for ASF
          kill hundreds of thousands of pigs   in 2019. The programme, known    and other animal diseases but also
          across the country every year, Rus-  as the Swine R3 Credit Program,   for human diseases. Factory farms
          sia’s become one of the world’s top   will provide badly needed financing   and industrial feed plantations are
          exporters of pork.                 to small pig farmers, but only if   increasingly recognised as sites for
                                             they enter into contract production   the emergence of new diseases that
          In country after country where the   with CP and adopt CP’s biosecurity   can infect humans, while corporate
          ASF Georgia variant has spread, the   measures. Financing will also be   meat processing plants, as we have
          measures pursued by governments    provided to local authorities to con-  seen with the Covid-19 pandemic,
          against it have destroyed small pig   solidate “backyard” pig farms into   are major vectors in the transmis-
          farms and cleared a path for cor-  large barns to supply CP.[32] This   sion and amplification of disease,
          porate meat companies and factory   programme could convert much      with especially deadly consequences
          farms to thrive. In China, for in-  of the Philippines pig sector into a   for workers and their families.
          stance, despite government attempts   supply chain for CP, which sees the
          to industrialise the sector, small,   country as an important new base   A vaccine against ASF could help,
          backyard farms were still producing   for imports of its animal feeds and   and there are signs that one could
          half of the country’s pork in 2010.   exports of its processed pork.  soon be available. It would give
          But now, after three years of ASF,                                    small farmers confidence to restock
          40% of the country’s pork comes    “Our agriculture department’s      their herds after ASF outbreaks and
          from industrial farms with less than   notion of ‘recovering’ our hog   to keep swill feeding and free-rang-
          1,000 pigs and 40% from new, large-  industry is restructuring the current   ing their animals. But it is far from
          scale factory operations with more   dominance of small and local raisers   clear that a vaccine, if it is devel-
          than 1,000 sows.                   towards that of wider and deeper   oped, will be made widely available
                                             foreign and corporate control,’ says   to small farmers. ASF was long
          Last year, the number of sows      Lester Gueta of the Peasant Move-  ignored when it was confined to
          held by the world’s ten largest pig   ment of the Philippines (KMP).  Africa. Now that it is threatening the
          farming companies increased by                                        industrial pig farming sector, there
          53% from the year before, from 7.2   What should be done?             is more interest. But licensing deals
          million to 11.0 million, and nearly all                               are already being cut with pharma-
          of that increase took place in China,   The current control measures that   ceutical companies by the public
          where pig farming companies like   governments and international      labs developing ASF vaccines, and
          Muyuan and New Hope are getting    agencies are pursuing against ASF   this could easily push prices out of
          funding from multilateral banks to   are not working. Not only are they   reach for small farmers.[35] There is,
          build multi-story mega barns.[29]   having a disastrous impact on small   at present, no global programme for
          Muyuan, China’s largest pig farming   farmers, but they are not stop-  the development and deployment
          corporation, is building a “pig hotel”   ping ASF, which remains a serious   of vaccines with a plan for how
          complex in Henan province that will   problem in countries where these   to make the vaccines accessible to

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