Page 49 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 19
P. 49

Food Health

                                                                                wide, emissions keep growing every
                                                                                year, including in Africa, where fer-
                                                                                tilizer use is now growing rapidly.”
                                                                                If we go back to the report by BA-
                                                                                SIC, CCFD-Terre Solidaire and Pol-
                                                                                linis, we see something that is very
                                                                                important for us to understand and
                                                                                keep in mind, i.e., where the money
                                                                                is. “In 1990, 16 firms accounted for
                                                                                about 80% of the pesticide market.
                                                                                But successive mergers and acqui-
                                                                                sitions have led to a market with
                                                                                four leading companies – Bayer,
                                                                                BASF, Syngenta/ChemChina and
                                                                                Corteva – which together occupy
                                                                                more than two thirds of the mar-
                                                                                ket.” The pesticide-herbicide-fer-
                                                                                tilizer-seed synergies that these
                                                                                companies have created mean that
                                                                                these companies are also “leaders in
                                                                                the agricultural seed sector, holding
                                                                                a nearly 60% share of the global
                                                                                market.” As a result, at 10-20%,
                                                                                their profit-to-turnover ratios are
                                                                                “50% above the European manu-
                                                                                facturing industry average”. This is
                                                                                taking place while generic pesticides
                                                                                from China and India, which are up
                                                                                to four times cheaper than patented
                                                                                versions, enjoy increased popularity,
                                                                                making China the largest and India
                                                                                the fifth-largest exporters of these
                                                                                products. China’s top chemical com-
                                                                                pany, ChemChina is “the world’s
          emissions… and then consider that   with the three organizations, “the   leading chemical company, particu-
          almost all synthetic pesticides are   production and usage of synthetic   larly in agrochemicals.” Thanks to
          derived from petroleum, and have   nitrogen fertilizers account for 2.4%   its merger with Chinese state-owned
          an effect on soil health and viabil-  of global emissions, making it one   SinoChem and its takeover of Syn-
          ity, (herbicides too) – and these all   of the top climate polluting indus-  genta in 2017, one of the top three
          affect plant, animal and human life   trial chemicals.” Not only that, but   European pesticides firms.
          through air, water and soil contam-  their research found that “emis-
          ination,  you begin to see a pattern   sions from synthetic N fertilisers   What should really cause your
          emerge that can help provide you   are highly concentrated in certain   eyebrows to rise is the next piece
          with clues as to what games are    geographic areas. The main emitters   of information. The report goes
          going on around the area of Big    are China, India, North America    on to say that with the exception
          Agriculture.                       and Europe. But, on a per capita   of Syngenta/ChemChina, the
                                             basis, the highest emitters are the   three largest pesticide and fertilizer
          According to an article by Grain,   big agricultural export countries of   companies “are partly owned by
          Greenpeace and Institute for Agri-  North America (US and Canada),    the same five private equity funds:
          culture and Trade Policy, which we   South America (Argentina, Brazil,   Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street,
          re-shared in the last issue of this   Paraguay, Uruguay) Australia/New   Capital Group and Fidelity.” Who
          magazine (here), based on research   Zealand and Europe (Denmark,     also own “between 10% and 30%
          undertaken by scientists working   France, Ireland, Ukraine). World-  or more of the capital of the global

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