Page 45 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 19
P. 45

Food Health

          protect the bigger players. In areas   island the dreaded diseases afflicting   introduced after the initial ASF
          where there are outbreaks, only    today’s globalised, industrial pig sec-  outbreaks in 2018 have led to an ad-
          backyard pigs are being culled, not   tor-- such as Classical Swine Fever   ditional import of up to 30 million
          the pigs on the industrial farms.[10]   and porcine epidemic diarrhoea.  tons of maize and 10 million tons
          Farmers are being compensated for                                     of soybean meal for feedstock.
          culled pigs, but not for those that   As with many other countries where
          died from ASF. If “Plan A” fails to   ASF is now present, industrial pig   ASF is boosting the pork trade
          stop ASF from entering the indus-  farms in the Dominican Republic    too, which is another vector in the
          trial pig farms, then the government   are highly dependent on imports   spread of the disease. On the one
          will proceed with “Plan B”, which   of feed ingredients. According to   hand, the mass culls used to control
          involves the complete eradication of   an owner of one of the country’s   the disease destroy much of the
          all pigs in the country and perhaps   largest pig farming operations, about   local supply and increase the price
          the entire island, including Haiti   50,000 trucks are needed every year   of pork, paving the way for corpo-
          where the disease has already been   to drive imported feed and other   rations to fill the void with imports.
          detected in a border town.         products from the ports to pig     [20] China is the obvious example--
                                             farms. It is now well established that   it quadrupled its pork imports after
          Plan A is already faltering. ASF has   ASF can persist in feed ingredients   ASF struck, taking in nearly half of
          now spread to all the country’s pig   through processing and long-dis-  the world’s total pig meat exports--
          farming provinces, and several out-  tance transportation, and this is   and the profits of big meat com-
          breaks have taken place on industrial   why some countries, like Canada,   panies like WH Group (Smithfield)
          farms, including breeder farms. Ac-  have started implementing border   soared. Now the Chinese govern-
          cording to Francisco Israel Brito, the   controls on feed ingredient imports   ment is supporting its corporations
          president of the Dominican Feder-  from ASF-affected countries.Given   to go overseas to build pig farms
          ation of Pig Producers, 98 per cent   that the Dominican Republic does   that can supply China, such as the
          of the country’s pig population is   not have such controls, feed could   controversial US$27 billion deal
          “epidemiologically compromised”.   easily have been the vector for ASF’s   it began negotiating with Argenti-
                                             entry into the island.             na in 2020. The deal aims for the
          Dr. Echevarria says that small pig                                    construction of 25 mega pig farms
          farmers in the Dominican Republic   Despite these concerns with com-  and would increase Argentina’s pig
          have another theory. They think that   mercial feeds, the OIE has not made   population from 6 million to 100
          Plan A is not about eradicating the   them a central part of its global   million pigs.
          disease but eliminating small farmers   effort to combat ASF. Indeed, most
          so that the big meat companies and   countries around the world have not   On the other hand, because govern-
          pig farmers can assert a monopoly   implemented controls on imports   ments are pursuing measures against
          over the market.                   of commercial feeds or feed ingre-  ASF that prioritise corporate pig
                                             dients to deal with ASF, and few   farms and export supply chains at
          Profiting from disease             even recognise commercial feeds as   the expense of small scale pig farms
                                             a possible source of transmission.   and meat processors, ASF outbreaks
          Today’s industrial pig farming indus-  Governments have instead been   in Asia and Europe are drastically
          try in the Dominican Republic was   cracking down on small farms for   reshaping the pig farming sector.
          born from the ASF outbreak of the   using household wastes, known as   These range from mass culls of
          late 1970s, when the entire national   swill feed, under the recommen-  backyard pigs to rules prohibiting
          herd was eradicated. It was after-  dation from the United Nation’s   swill feed and free-ranging pigs to
          wards that politicians and business-  Food and Agriculture Organisation   the creation of zones or compart-
          men began investing in industrial   (FAO). This, plus the increase in   ments that are exclusive to large
          pig farms, and high-yielding breeds   factory farmed pigs, which consume   industrial operations so that they
          of pigs replaced traditional varieties.   high levels of commercial feed, is   can continue to export meat even if
          Over the decades, these industri-  generating more demand for com-    ASF is present in other parts of the
          al pig farms, connected to global   mercial feeds and, thus, increasing   country (Box: What are ASF-free
          suppliers of genetics, equipment,   the trade in feed ingredients and   compartments and zones?).
          feed, medicines and consultants,   creating more risks for transmis-
          have come to dominate national     sion across borders. In China, for   Russian authorities, for example,
          production, and have brought to the   instance, prohibitions on swill feed   responded to the emergence of ASF

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