Page 44 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 19
P. 44

Food Health

          “The presumptive diagnosis is pig
          pneumonia. Taking into account
          that these pigs were bought in mod-
          ern farms, where they have vacci-
          nation programmes against viruses
          and other diseases. These pigs were
          moved to backyard areas on the bor-
          der, where the physical and feeding
          conditions produce health challeng-
          es,” said Nuñez Mieses, in an official
          statement released on June 29th.
          “It is an inevitable health issue that
          occurs permanently in backyard pigs
          because they do not have adequate
          sanitary and feeding conditions...  [VIDEO] Backyard pigs in the Dominican Republic the eve of  being culled as part of
          We have the necessary medicines to   governmental measures to stop African Swine Fever. About 100 pigs were put down with-
          tackle this situation and it is already   out being sick or infected.
          under control”.

          A few weeks later, in a radio inter-  to another in multiple ways-- from   If there is an isolated outbreak at a
          view, Dr Nuñez Mieses reiterated   dirty boots, the wheels of a truck,   backyard operation, it can be quickly
          that the disease was only a prob-  contaminated meat, the movement    and effectively controlled, as has
          lem of backyard pigs in the border   of live pigs and, perhaps most im-  happened in other countries.[7] But
          areas and assured listeners that the   portantly, the trade in animal feed.   if ASF gets into an industrial opera-
          situation was under control and    With the global interconnectedness   tion-- whether a breeder farm, a hog
          was not affecting other areas of   of today’s pork industry, all coun-  barn, a feed mill or a meat plant,
          the country, like La Vega, where   tries with pig herds are or should be   then multiple routes for transmis-
          the large, industrial pig farms are   on high alert for signs of this ASF   sion open up, and the disease can
          concentrated. “The problem started   variant. The Dominican Republic,   quickly get out of control. This is
          in the border area and that is where   evidently, was not.            what happened in Eastern Europe
          it is contained.”                                                     and Asia, and it is likely what hap-
                                             Back in early April 2021, over 200   pened in the Dominican Republic
          He was dead wrong. On July 28,     pigs died of disease at an enclosed   since La Vega’s pig farming compa-
          2021, a US lab confirmed the worst:   farm in the municipality of La Vega,   nies supply piglets, feed and other
          samples collected from dead pigs   in the centre of the country and in   products to industrial and backyard
          were positive for the lethal African   the heartland of its industrial pig   farms throughout the country.
          Swine Fever (ASF).                 farming sector and pig breeding.   Dr. Bolívar Echevarria, a veterinari-
                                             The government collected samples   an in the country’s northwest, work-
          ASF returns to the Americas after   but did not undertake tests, until lat-  ing with pig farmers, says the disease
          40 years                           er in July, when these samples were   could also have been inadvertently
                                             sent along with a batch of samples   spread by the technical staff of the
          ASF is a deadly pig disease that led   collected from other farms with   Ministry of Agriculture, who went
          to the eradication of the entire pig   outbreaks. According to an official   from farm to farm in June thinking
          herd on the Island of the Domin-   report of the World Animal Health   the disease was pneumonia.
          ican Republic and Haiti when it    Organisation (OIE) published on
          last struck the Caribbean in the late   August 25th, 2021, this farm is listed   The Dominican Republic is now
          1970s. A new ASF variant emerged   as having the country’s first ASF   scrambling to deal with the situa-
          in Eastern Europe in 2007, and has   outbreak, beginning on April 10th.  tion at a huge cost to the country’s
          since spread to Asia-- leading to                                     small pig farmers. The government’s
          the death of around a quarter of all   This would help to explain how   “Plan A” involves a mass cull of all
          pigs on the planet. ASF is a highly   ASF spread so rapidly across the   backyard pigs that are within a 3km
          persistent disease that can be trans-  country. ASF is deadly, but transmis-  radius of outbreaks or that are near
          mitted from an affected operation   sion from pig to pig occurs slowly.   to industrial farms, in an effort to

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