Page 34 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 19
P. 34


          from colonialism onwards the con-  going on with the heart of man
          sequences of choices made by the   that he cannot see how bad it is?   As you can see, from just three ex-
          so-called developed countries and   Already the official deaths from the   amples of companies in this article,
          ‘superpowers’ by looking at the en-  Covid vaccine in the US, UK and   it is not like we have the perfect
          vironment, by looking at their own   Europe number in their high tens of   track record. Some humility would
          social condition which is marked by   thousands. That’s reported deaths.   be welcome for a change, admitting
          poverty, increased drug use and im-  People gone. From the vaccine not   that we do not know everything and
          balances to see that what they claim   the disease. Not to mention the   that we have, in the past (and pres-
          as utopia is simply dystopia.      other devastating injuries which   ent) caused harm to one another.
                                             you can find some information on   Perhaps that would be enough to
          We can look within at our own      from Yet the world   halt the mindless pursuit of money
          state from following the patterns   is still persisting and in many cases   and return us to a place where we
          and paths that they insist make for   insisting that this should be made   are actually considerate of each
          advancement and see their negative   mandatory when there are remedies   other again.
          impacts on our lives. We know that   that have been spoken of since be-  Consider that when companies
          issues of cancers being caused by   fore the vaccines were pushed down   know what they ought to be doing,
          toxic chemicals which are dumped   everyone’s throats. People were    and don’t do it, the people who
          in Afrika, or uranium powder con-  silenced who had answers that did   suffer are their customers. When
          taminating the environment should   not involve untested, experimental   governments know what they ought
          not be a part of our reality, as is   injections. And we look at that and   to be doing, and don’t do it, we suf-
          currently the case in many parts of   we cannot see that there is a prob-  fer yet again. But, when the people
          Afrika. Cases of individuals mining   lem somewhere? Nations are being   know what they ought to be doing,
          gold using mercury and no pro-     coerced and bribed into forcing    and don’t do it… indeed, all hope
          tective gear whatsoever should be   their citizens to accept this jab and   is lost, for, after all, the people are
          unheard of, yet sadly are not.     they are willingly doing it and we   the society, the government and the
                                             cannot see that this is a problem?   companies.
          Deception in the area of medication   And we are not concerned about the
          that is being used in Afrika should   direction that the world is traveling
          be a thing of the past, especially   in?
          considering how it has been used to
          harm us already, so far. Indeed, if
          any place on earth needs to be most
          diligent, deliberate and prudent in
          all of its dealings, it should be this
          big, beautiful, beloved continent of
          ours. And it should be a priority of
          every single policymaker in every
          single country across the continent.
          Not like, as we have seen, people
          complaining that they are going to
          lose money if we eradicate toxic
          cancer-causing agrochemicals from
          use!!!! We have placed money on the
          same level as human life?! Shame on
          us for being so greedy, selfish and
          heartless that we would put money
          ahead of the welfare and well-being
          of our people.

          Are we really that mindless
          and insane?
          I often look at the goings on in the
          world and I really wonder what is

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