Page 82 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 19
P. 82
Health & Healing
form of witchcraft and sorcery to colonize Afrika was faulty, in that predicament. Ethiopia will surely prevail.
involved in the breaking of the they used the content of the Bible This is the last hour where we will fight the
continent of Afrika, which also to create a less than good image of last battle to save Ethiopia.”
broke and distorted the spiritual Afrikans. But we know better now, “Our old enemies do not want an Ethiopia
reality and mindset of the Afrikan and should definitely be responsible that wants to prosper through her own
people? I absolutely think so. Take to do better as Afrikans. path. They have waged all sorts of wars
for instance, it is on record that not to see this happen. If Ethiopia stands
the woman who named Nigeria Take a look at Ethiopia up through the African path, if Ethiopia
called Flora Shaw, the girlfriend of If there is a nation in Afrika whose not only stands but if she succeeds, she
Luggard who was the governor of people seem to have a different will kneel to no one. They have brought all
the place now called Nigeria, was a ideology and loyalty to their national sorts of weapons against us to ruin this
Satanist. Imagine naming a country identity and the Afrikan reality, it is African path. Our internal and exter-
Nigeria, which means “dark area” the Ethiopians. Just maybe because nal enemies have conspired to build their
by a supposed Satanist, and then they understood differently that strength out of Ethiopia’s weakness.” he
wondering why, after more than a Christianity, which many claim is the said.
century, Nigeria still does not have corrupter of Afrika did not begin The Prime Minister of Ethiopia
stable basic electricity. with Europeans, but with them, so reminded citizens that this struggle
they are able to take a clear stand on is every Ethiopian’s struggle. He said
The issue of Christianity imperialism with accurate response the struggle is needed so that Ethi-
Some Afrikans think that Christi- to any madness from the West or opia’s children will have a home, dig-
anity and the Bible was used as a Europe. nity and pride as they move around
form of mind bending tool to break the world.
the mind of the Afrikan person. It Recently, we were to interview one As PM Abiy Ahmed readied himself
is tempting to want to agree with of our Ethiopian brothers about to lead the ENDF at the war front,
that claim, especially when you the issues of the conflict between he said “now is the time to lead our
look at what is going on with the the Ethiopian government and the nation paying the necessary sacrifices.
church system of today. But truth TPLF. He sent us a message apol- Starting tomorrow, I will be leading the
be told, Christianity did not begin ogizing that he would not be able ENDF at the frontline. If you want to go
with Europe, and the Europeans to do the interview on the conflict, down in history as one of Ethiopia’s pride
did not bring Christianity to Afrika. because it is discouraged by the cen- let us meet at the war front.”
The opposite is actually what the tral government for now. Especially
truth is. Afrikans took Christianity with the biased media coverage and Imagine such boldness of words
to Europe and Christianity has been propaganda that the Western media and heart towards an Ethiopia
in Ethiopia and in the northern part has been pushing against Ethiopia. that must be free from kneeling to
of Afrika for millenia, while Europe I thought about that for a while and foreign imperialists. Such boldness
was still in caves. As the late Dr was really impressed that there are is the true heart and drive of the
Mfuniselwa J. Bhengu wrote in an still Afrikans who are ready to give ancient Afrikans who controlled
article titled: UBUNTU LOCUS IN anything to defend their nation from kingdoms and empires without
THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH IN foreign madness. But such loyalty the noise of those with pale skins.
AFRICA, to a national ideal can only happen Imagine if all Afrikans both home
“during the entire antiquity, Africa, in Ethiopia, where their history as and abroad would stand up with
Asia, and the Middle East were more warriors of good conscience and boldness and confidence and take
advanced in science, technology, philosoph- discipline match their present day a stand against foolishness, and the
ical thought, and literature, than Europe, reality of a people with a progres- many compromises that are happen-
particularly Western Europe... It was from sive national identity. They do not ing because of the money from the
these origins in Africa and the Middle turn their backs on their nation, not West, Europe and the East. Imagine
East, that the new religion of “Chris- for anything. if we all as Afrikans would be true
tians” came into Europe. Christianity was to what it means to be AFRIKA, the
brought into Europe by Africans and the Recently, Dr Abiy Ahmed, the PM Birthplace of life. What it means to
Middle Easterners.” of Ethiopia said, “Ethiopia is an be ALKEBULAN, the Mother of
It is possible that the “version of exciting country. Her future is greater than Humankind. It will be a new day.
Christianity” that the Europeans her past. Passing through difficulties is her
brought to Afrika during the quest age old skill. We will surely overcome this
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