Page 80 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 19
P. 80

Health &

                     SOMETHING BROKE

                                    WHAT HAPPENED TO AFRIKANS?
                                                   Samuel Phillips

                 omething broke. Yes you     rhetorical questions first, just to   shown on the media? Here is what I
                 heard me. Something defi-   point you to where I am going with   mean, and I will explain it using my
                 nitely broke in the deepest   this article.                    own experiences as a writer, photog-
         Spart of the mind of the                                               rapher and video maker.
          average Afrikan. It is hard to put a   Have you ever wondered how it is
          face to, or point a finger at it, but   possible for an Afrikan to under-  When I make videos for some of
          the effect of this broken deep part   mine something good that is coming   our Msingi Afrika TV projects, or
          of the Afrikan can be felt and seen   out of Afrika, simply because it   when I design this magazine, or the
          everywhere you look. It is felt in   does not carry an American or    other design work that I do, I use
          the religious system, in the edu-  European label? Have you ever      quite a lot of stock videos and imag-
          cation sector, in business, family,   been on a comments page on social   es from websites that give these vid-
          government, in medicine and in all   media where someone posted some-  eos and images for free. Imagine this
          areas of global Afrikan life. And it   thing that was supposed to create a   with me for a moment. Would you
          makes me sick that, even with all the   meaningful discussion, and watched   believe it if I told you that when we
          noise about how educated Afrikans   our Afrikan brothers and sisters   first began this magazine and video
          are globally, and with all the huge   spew words and statements that you   projects, it was very hard getting free
          achievements they make, you still   can only call “childish”, even when   stock images and videos? Now, it
          see that broken attitude in many.   they are supposed to be matured?   being hard was not simply because I
                                             Have you ever wondered why it is   could not find what I really wanted,
          Some call it cognitive dissonance   easy for some Afrikans to relate   but that it was hard for me to use
          and maybe they are right. I will talk   with the poverty and deprivation   some videos and images because, in
          about this issue of cognitive disso-  narrative of Afrika but not accept   my head, they looked too good to
          nance in a bit, but let me ask a few   that Afrika is actually beyond what is   be from Afrika. Did you get that?

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