Page 75 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 19
P. 75
Health & Healing
are walking in circles. Equally, if we
condone such bad behavior, then
the younger generation will take up
this doctrine to become even worse
This is a clarion call to end GBV, for
we need to act now. Unsurprisingly,
we will not let wrongdoers get away
with it, because the stakes are high.
The long and short of it is that the
GBV epidemic needs to be nipped
in the bud, even if the voices of
activists end up sounding like bro-
ken records. Indeed, a stitch in time
saves nine, therefore we will not
leave any stone unturned in trying to
get at the bottom of this matter.
Rugare treasured readers.
Poem Title: GBV
By: Abigirl Phiri
Stick out for each other
Stop the senseless GBV scenes
it is saddening that women have to their sales to GBV victims. Un- Say no to GBV
bear the brunt of all this, contend- doubtedly, such corporate social It is high time it is put to an end for
ing with such brutality. That said, responsibility (CSR) activities are good
more educational programs should laudable, if only more players would
be aired that GBV is not the solu- join in this bandwagon. This is Speak out
tion to our problems. because ploughing back into the Be bold
Quite frankly, if you do the crime communities will go a long way in For justice to be served
then you must serve the time for helping these victims on dire straits. And for justice to prevail
there is no two ways about serving
justice. As a matter of fact, let us Having said that, let us not break Report
live harmoniously together as we the rule of law, because we will be Incarcerate
fight this bane of our existence. In accordingly brought to book and Bring them to book
fact, there is no need to live with taken to task. In some GBV cases, All the wrong doers on the wrong
flaringly high tensions, which can other perpetrators end up dismem- side of the law
be triggered at the drop of a hat. bering and burning the bodies of
Instead, let us uphold the sanctity their victims which is sadistic if not Emancipate
of the human body, after all that is Satanic. Similarly, these perpetrators Set free
the ecclesiastic thing to do. Relevant and potential ones must know that The abused and the voiceless
stakeholders must also chip in to they have not yet won this battle Pave way for a Gender Based
this fight as we unanimously wage because this war against GBV is far Violent free Environment
war on GBV. Fortunately enough, in from being over. Clearly, if GBV
South Africa they have corporates continues to happen it means as a
that avail a certain percentage of nation we are going nowhere for we