Page 74 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 19
P. 74
Health & Healing
Abigirl Phiri is a Ph.D student in com-
merce, free-lance writer, poet, International
Ambassador of Peace, GBV activist,
social entrepreneur, talent manager and an
international marketer. More of her work
can be found on her Facebook Page:
Words are forever.
The Covid-19 global pandemic and
the constantly increased lock-down BASED
restrictions has fueled a lot of GBV
cases in Zimbabwe and its African
sisters like South Africa. It is quite VIOLENCE
alarming that these cases are on the
rise, regardless of all the endeavors
and noise that gender based violence EPIDEMIC
activists are making.
Research has it that one in every
three women, has gone through
gender based violence. It is clear to
note that these perpetrators will stop are singing such informative songs one who would have just heard it as
at nothing as they continue to leave whilst their videos depict such news or rumor on the street.
untold suffering in their wake. In dreadful misfortunes, especially in Recently, on the home front, in a
South Africa they have even coined the Amapiano genre that has taken neighborhood named Rusike in
the name “Gender based violence the world by storm. The masses Marondera, Zimbabwe, a married
epidemic.” This is because they need to be constantly educated and couple had a fight over conjugal
have seen how serious this issue reminded of their duty, because rights. This brawl ended up involv-
has become to an extent that it has we are all in this together. Indeed, ing their two daughters. Compound-
torn the social fabric. One particular united we stand and divided we fall ing matters, one of the children
activist attested that as long as men in such situations. Many victims are stabbed the father in the gut as a
do not see GBV as a crime, then we shells of their former selves due to way of helping her mother out of
are just making noise for nothing. In GBV. As it is, these women need this tight spot. Thus, this is just one
short, reality has to sink into their a haven where they can talk about of a statistic in what really is on the
minds how detrimental this matter what they went through, when they ground in our various communities
at hand is, especially on their victims are good and ready. This is because all over the globe. To make matters
and one’s extended family. As a getting it off their chests is the first worse, due to retrenchment issues
result, men must embrace change step on the road to recovery. Thus, and high poverty levels, most people
especially in these patriarchal com- many pressure groups for the GBV are operating on a short fuse like
munities. victims must be formed. Nothing ticking time bombs. For that reason,
beats talking to an individual who is any little wrong doing can end
In my own opinion, l am glad that in the same boat as yourself. With- badly , even in a pool of blood. As
there are music artists such as out a doubt, this person will easily a result, time and again social media
Kwesta and the Samarian Boy who relate to your story, as compared to is awash with these issues. Actually,
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