Page 70 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 19
P. 70


                                                                                much more profitable for men than
                                                                                peace is?

                                                                                A time will come when one evil
                                                                                character will rise up on the inter-
                                                                                national scene and actually find
                                                                                solutions for all of these issues
                                                                                that mankind is facing now, and
                                                                                they will be put to rest for a time.
                                                                                The accurate response then will
                                                                                not be to turn and praise him for
                                                                                his brilliance, but to ask why all the
                                                                                PhDs, all the Masters’ degrees, all
                                                                                the undergraduates, all the diplomas,
                                                                                all the billionaires and trillionaires of
                                                                                this world, all the willing men, wom-
          The way of  love                   instigated some of the worst crimes   en and children who were tired of
          Why, instead, can we not just do   on earth against other nations and   all of these things, all the politicians
          what most people try to do  in their   its own people, goes to a place of   of our day could not achieve such
          own homes? Smooth things over      grieving when its soldiers are killed   a thing in their day. Or, rather, to
          by working past ego, fear, anger,   in battle. Science also claims evi-  ask, what prevented them and what
          mistrust by humbling ourselves,    dence of the negative effects of   is the significance of their seeming
          making amends for past wrongs      continual stress on the body and   resolution presently. But I digress.
          and genuinely doing what is right in   mind of the individual. Meaning
          order to ensure that each one only   that, at our core, we are actually   My point is this. Mankind is en-
          receives what is best from our hearts   looking for ways in which to have   gaged in trivial pursuits that do not
          and minds? What is really so diffi-  a measure of equilibrium that does   add one drop of value to what is
          cult about the world changing tack   not result in harm by one person   really important on this earth. As
          in that way? Think about it. If the   against another. So, why don’t we go   they amass wealth, position and title
          world is run by people, and we claim   for it? Don’t say it is not possible,   unto themselves and pat them-
          that it is, then why can the people   ask why it has not happened with all   selves on the back for all their ‘great
          not work out a way of actually     the trillions of dollars supposedly   achievements’ the real things that
          getting along and doing the things   being pumped into so-called peace-  need doing, go undone. This leaves
          that benefit one another instead   keeping initiatives around the world   society far worse off than before.
          of smiling and shaking hands in    decade after decade after decade.   Far worse of, even, than if they had
          pretense, while holding guns behind                                   never existed – because they were
          their backs, ready to shoot to kill? Is   Ask why it has not happened with   called to be an answer, a solution for
          it really so hard to change the reality   all the weapons that exist on the   something that needs their expertise
          on the ground? Or is it just a lack   earth that seem to increase day by   and their specific mandate in order
          of willpower that is holding people   day. Ask why it has not happened   for it to be resolved. However, when
          back or are we dealing with humans   with all the supposed information   they live distracted lives chasing
          whose souls have been sold to the   surplus that exists that would help   after money or the approval and ac-
          devil?                             people learn about the issues and be   ceptance by others, then they fail to
                                             able to adjust their positions. Ask   understand that they have far greater
          Try as I may, I just cannot imagine   why it has not happened when the   value to God and men than just
          that there are people who long to   communities on the ground do not   these transient and useless things.
          live in a perpetual state of chaos.   wish to dwell like animals, hunted   For what does it profit them to
          Even the worst crime lord and the   by their own who seek their own   gain the whole world’s approval and
          worst warlord on earth needs a place   destruction. Ask why it has not   honor, when the thing for which
          to lay his head and wants to find a   happened when you do not desire   they were actually created and born
          way to protect his children and fami-  all the madness that you see going   goes awry and is never actualized as
          ly from harm. Even America, which   on around the world to keep being   it was intended?
          has singlehandedly committed or    sustained. Is war and instability that

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