Page 65 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 19
P. 65
of those network glitches that are tween the two is really very thin, and to burn dormitories, but actually
sometimes unavoidable. But a few care is needed to accurately interpret feedback for what they are going
more weeks, we realized it was not responses from others. Why is this through that we are not paying
just glitches but something actually important? COMMUNICATION. attention to. In a video we did re-
wrong with the internet supply. It Outside of the fact that a service cently, we shared a story of how
was becoming frustrating and quite provider is supposed to, by all busi- some teenage school girls shared
frankly, not impressive. Imagine not ness standards, pay attention to their with a counselor how they were
being able to even schedule a video service and how their client sees
call because you are not sure when such service, I think it’s even much sexually defiled by their biological
the internet will disappear and you more needed in our day-to-day in- fathers and their male cousins.
will be left hanging and sounding teractions with people. Imagine the So, how many more of these
like a broken guitar string. But the wars, chaos, strife and whatever else abominable acts must happen
most unimpressive thing that was has happened with nations, fami- before we realize that what we
happening, even as the internet lies, relationships etc., just because call indiscipline and complaints
issue, showing poor service from responses were seen as complaints are actually feedback to us to do
our provider, was that, each time and not feedback that should be an- something? How many more
we called the agent, he would not alyzed and accurately responded to. of our young girls will cut short
take his calls. If we sent him an sms, their educational pursuits due to
he would not respond. And it’s not How many more?
like he lived in another country, he Recently, within a space of few teenage pregnancy and just be-
lived in the apartment right under months, over forty schools were cause we refuse to listen to their
ours, in the same compound. So, no burnt in Kenya by high school feedback when they speak of not
response to calls or messages and no students. Yes, the reason for having sanitary towels, for which
feedback about what is wrong with these arsons are still not very they slept with that young man
the internet. just to get some money.
clear, according to the police, but How many more of our beautiful
Now, on this particular day, after for the one that can see and for Afrikan women will we lose to
about two months of using the not the one that can think, could it domestic violence simply because
so cool internet, I was really very be that these children are actually we refuse to listen to their feed-
upset because it was time to pay for giving us feedback concerning back when they speak of how
the next subscription. I called him as what is happening with our edu-
usual to check with him if they had cational system and what is hap- they are handled at home, while
done anything about what may be pening with them as young peo- telling them that they should stay
wrong with the network. But as usu- ple? Imagine the Kenyan cabinet in their marriages because “God
al, he did not respond nor give any secretary for education talking hates” divorce? How many more
feedback. In that moment, I knew of our policemen must go on
we were done with him and his about re-introducing caning or shooting sprees and then commit
internet service. It was then I sent capital punishment into schools, suicide because we are refusing
him the message in the conversation and saying that just maybe it will to listen to their feedback?
while we quickly looked for another help discipline the children? I
alternative. am definitely up for discipline in We must open our eyes and see
Later on, that same day, as I reflect- children and I also do not accept that our societies are under siege,
ed on the entire thing that hap- sparing the rod when it is needed
pened, suddenly it hit my mind how for correction in love. But the and if we do not do something
often we confuse FEEDBACK with discipline of these kids who have about it, we will have no sane
COMPLAINT. I had never made suddenly turned into arsonists society to live in some years from
the difference between the two until must begin from us, the adults, now. For when we see genuine
that day. And it made perfect sense. responses as complaints that
checking to see what is wrong irritate us, and not feedback that
Now, how many times have I, or with the foundations we are should make us do something,
anyone reading this article, seen oth- laying for them. We must pay at- we open the door for evil to
er people’s responses as complaints tention to whether what they are thrive in our societies.
and not as feedback. The line be- expressing is not just a tendency