Page 68 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 19
P. 68
Leadership Re-education
For What Does It Profit A
adly, or actually, thankfully, heights of their careers and aca- ensconced in the spaces of their
many of those in business demic achievements; having dedi- choosing and making, they realize
or the workplace find them- cated time, effort and finances to that their marriage is a shambles;
Sselves in the position where their singular pursuits – neglecting their children are strangers who are
the value of everything they have friends, family, and sometimes even trapped in a virtual reality, with nei-
given their strength and attention to, personal comfort, they reached the ther solid foundation nor strength
in order to earn what they make a zenith of their careers and aspira- of character to guide or uphold
living from, is now being called into tions. Some attaining great title and them, let alone play a role in build-
question. even accolades in the process. Only ing or sustaining the society around
For what indeed does it profit a man to look around them and finally see them; the society at large seems to
that he should gain the whole world, the scattered and distorted reali- be going crazy with twisted values
but lose his soul? ty of a world that does not make and mindsets; their government has
any sense. A world they neglected become a monster that has decided
Having mastered whatever needs to attend to on their way up ‘the to trap the bodies and souls of men
mastering and having scaled the ladder of success’. And now, firmly in a form of slavery to the global
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